LIL Matchett's Baltimore
Levf Eleanor, Water st w of High
Levi Samuel, carpenter, Saratoga st near Park
+Lcvi Sally, washer, intersection Harford avenue & Ensor sts
++Levington William, pastor of St. James's Church, 52s How-
Levitt William, watchman, s Charles st extended [ard
Levy Thomas P. house and sign painter, 37 s Gay street, dw
Salisbury st 2d door w of Lloyd
Levy Joseph M. Pratt st 1 door e of Caroline
Lewis John, carpenter and joiner, Tripolet's alley
Lewis Joseph N. bookseller and stationer, 272 Baltimore st.
dw 7 Saratoga street
Lewis John, paper stainer, Montgomery st near Charles
Lewis John, draper and tailor, 14 South street
Lewis Philip, Howard st near Richmond
Lewis Charles S. com. mt. 7 n Charles street
Lewis Conrad, carpenter, Hill st near Charles
Lewis mrs Ann, seamstress. Temple street
Lewis Levi, constable, Armistead lane near Light
Lewis mrs Elizabeth, Pratt st 3 doors w of Market
Lewis John, 48 Front st
Lewis EH, Fayette st 2 doors e of Pine
Lewis James, shoemaker, Armistead lane
Lewis John, rigger, 12 Fleet street
Lewis Rachel, Montgomery street near Charles
+Lewis Andrew, blacksmith. Run alley n of Lexington st
+Lewis Ann M. Pine st s of Peirce
++Lewis William, waiter, Hull's lane 10 doors w of Aisquith st
+Lewis John, seaman, s e cor Strawberry alley & Wilk st
++Lewis John. Ross st e of Paca
Leymours Henry, cabinet maker, William alley near Wm. st
+Lewis John, barber, Lexington st w of Eutaw dw Pine st s
+Lewis Catherine, Park st extended [of Peirce
Leypold William F. v\ine merchant and grocery, 61 n Gay st
dw 96 Harrison street
Leypold mrs E. 61 n Gay street
Lias John, carpenter, Union st w of Penn, avenue
Liberty Fire Co. house intersection of Park, Fayette and
Liberty streets
Library Baltimore, n e cor Holliday and Fayette streets
Lichtenberger Michael, cordwainer, Eutaw st n of Dutch al -
Liddle Thomas, tailor, Frederick st near Water
Liddle Mary, shopkeeper, Caroline st s of Wilk
Lieutand Dennis, carpenter, Baltimore st s side
Light John, carpenter, Pine st e side s of Saratoga
Light mrs Mary, nurse, 151 s Eutaw street
Lightner N. shoemaker, Stiles st w of Bishop alley
Lightner Henry tinner and sheet iron worker, Forest st s of
Ligon T. Watkins, attorney at law, 24 St. Paul st [Hillen
++Lillett Elizabeth, Chesnut alley \v of Pearl street
++Lillett John, labourer, East st n of Douglass