Director for 1835. LEV
Lemmon miss, Charles st 2d door n of Lee
Lemmon Richard, carpenter, Sugar alley near Charles st
Lemmon Christian, Eutaw street n of Lombard
Lemmon C. Abraham, clothing store, cor Pratt and Calvert,
dw 121 Aisquith street
+Lemmon John, Strawberry alley n of Gough st
Lennon Joseph G. mariner, 36 Alice Anna st
Lenox James, cooper, Argyle alley n of Lancaster st
Lentz & Flack, German and fancy goods, 220 1/2 Baltimore st
Lentz Joseph, weaver, High st n of Granby
Lentz Andrew, grocer, Lexington st e of Green
Leon A. clothing and furniture store, 26 n Eutaw st
Leonard Amasa, grocer, 72 Hanover street
Leonard Dr. William, Pratt st e of High
Leonard William, cabinet maker, 76 Conway street
++Le Parde John, barber, Paca st n of Lexington, dw Peirce
street w of Pearl
Lerew John, carpenter, Eutaw st n of Pratt st. dw Lombard
street w of Eutaw
Lerew James, carter, Forest st n of Madison
Lerew David, coachmaker, 8 Peace alley, shop 57 s Howard
++Leshure Lewis, cigar maker, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Leslie Robt, sea capt. Baltimore st opposite 2d Presbyterian
Lester Shipley, carpenter, Conway st e of Green [church
Lester John, Baltimore st w of Pearl
Lester William, grocer, s e cor Pratt and President sts
Lester & Gorsuch, carpenters, German st near Eutaw
Lester James, carpenter, Mulberry st e of Pine
Lethcote mrs. 5 Mercer st
Lethe John, carpenter, Marion st near Howard
Letherberry Ann, seamstress, Holland st w of Eden
Letournaa J. B. N. grocer, s o cor Aisquith and Gay sts
Letton Thomas, sailmaker, 135 Bond street
Letz Frederick, blacksmith, Chamberlain alley near Eutaw st
Letter Mary, boarding house, 38 High street
Levering A. R. & Son, importers and dealers in China, glass
and Queensware, 8 cor Pratt and Cheapside, dw of A.
R. Levering, Fawn st near High
Levering Edward, grocer, Cheapside near Pratt st. dw Lees
near Charles
Levering George, victualler, Pratt E of Eden
Levering Jesse and Sons, grocers and com. mts. 23 Cheapside
Levering Jesse, firm of do. dw30 s Sharp street
Levering and Harrrison, com. mts. 5 Bowly's wharf
Levering Thomas W. firm do. dw 117 Hanover street
Levering Peter, 52 s Sharp street
Leverne John, tobacconist, Wilk st w of Caroline
Leves Charles, carpenter, Paca st n of Mulberry, shop Ger-
man st near Green
Levi Sarah, Welcome alley betw Hanover and Sharp sts