Director for 1835. LIT
Lilly Abraham, brickmaker, commons n of Spring gardens
Lilly Alonzo and Co. comb and variety store, 201 Baltimore
street, dw A. L. Franklin st near Cathedral
Lilly Richard, saddler, Hampstead st e of Spring
Limas Charles, waiter, Salisbury alley e of Fayette st
++Limas William, drayman, Pleasant st near Park
Lindenberger mrs. boarding house, cor Calvert & Saratoga sts
Linderiberger mrs Eliza, cor St. Paul & Saratoga sts
Lindenberger mrs Ann, boarding house, Lexington st near
Charles street
Linderiman Conrad, baker, Hanover st near Hill
Lindsey William, shoemaker, 63 n Gay street o. t.
Lindsey William, carpenter, Orleans st e of Aisquith
Lindsay Alexander, bricklayer, Conway st w of Green
Lineberger George, cordwainer, Eutaw st n of Camden
Lineberger miss Susan, w end Baltimore street
Lineberger Wm. tinner, Baltimore st betw Caroline & Spring
Lineberger George wheelwright, Wine st e of Cove
Lineman Charles, grocer, 15 Harrison st
Linert Samuel, labourer, Eager alley near Mulberry st
Linginfelter mrs Elizabeth, George st w of Penn, avenue
Lingferd miss Sarah, milliner, Saratoga st near Courtland
Linindell ————, pedlar, Alice Anna st e of Caroline ?
Linneman John, labourer, Apple alley s of Alice Anna strefct
Linthicum Henry, tailor Barre st near Sharp
Linthicum Richard, 72 n Charles st
Linzey William, grocery store, cor Long alley and Ross st
Linzey mrs Catherine, St. Mary st n of Penn, avqnue
Linzey William, iron founder, William street
Lions John, tailor, n e cor Monument and Ensor sts
Lipp George, carpenter, Union st e of Penn avenue
Lipp Joseph, tailor, Lexington st w of Eutaw
Lipp mrs Catherine, St. Mary st n of Penn, avenue
Lippman Jacob, umbrella maker, 182 n Gay st o. t
Lipscomb Jesse, grocer, 2 Light st wharf, dw Barre st near
Lipscomb Conway, hair dresser, 62 w Pratt st. [Hanover
Lisbet Jonathan, weaver, Franklin st extended
Lisha Nacha, German street extended
Litsinger Richard, millwright, Peach alley w of Chatsworth st
Litter Mary, dress maker, Pearl street n of Mulberry
Littig Caleb B. firm Philip Littig and Son, dw courtland st n
Littig Rachel, Gough street w of Caroline of Saratoga
Littig Philip & Son, comb and brush manufacturers, 179
Baltimore street, dw of P. L. 38 n Eutaw st
Littig Luther, grocer, Exeter st n of Pratt
Little William, corner Patterson and Cable streets
Little Joseph, bricklayer, Green st s of Kee
Little Jacob, Gay st e of Monument
Little Richard, weaver, Peirce st e of Cove
Little Robert grocer, Lombard street near Light