Director for 1835 KEY
Kennedy Hugh, grocery & liquor store, Stillhouse street
Kennedy ———, fisherman Stillhouse street
Kennedy Thomas, merchant, Franklin st e of Pine, store
Baltimore st w of Chatsworth
Kennedy Nicholas R. tavern & grocery, Lexington st e of
Kennedy Capt. Thomas, Alice Anna st e of Bond [Green
Kennedy Alexander, shoemaker, Addison st n side
Kennedy Ezekiel, Columbia st near Cove
Kennelly William, cabinet maker, n e of Monument
Kenny Patrick, second hand clothing store, Second st 1 door
w of Market space
Kenny Richard, Holliday st 2 doors s of Pleasant
Kenny Thomas, carpenter, Biddle st w of Penn, avenue
Kenny Peter, cor East and Ensor sts
Kent David, merchant, dw 54 n Charles st
Kent Emanuel, city register, Biddle st w of Penn, avenue,
office City Hall
Kepler John T. s w cor Paca & Lexington sts
Kepler William, cabinet maker, w end Baltimore st
Keplinger Michael, shop keeper, Ensor st n e of Monument
Keplinger Samuel, brass founder & wire fender maker, corner
Cathedral.& Howard sts
Kernan & Stillinger, com. mts. 59 Smith's wharf
Kernan Catherine, French s t yearly opposite Exeter
Kernan Peter, Pearl st s of Franklin
Kernan C. justice of peace & police office, corner Calvert and
Water streets
Kernan Peter, Pearl st s of Saratoga
Kerner Christian D. confectioner, cor Gay and Harrison sts
Kerner John F. tobacconist, 27 e Baltimore st. dw Jackson st
Kerney M. B tavern keeper, 69 McEIderry's wharf
Kerney Rev. Nicholas, pastor of St. Patrick's church, n e cor.
Bank and Market streets
Kerr Catherine, tailoress, cor Saratoga & Sharp sts
Kerr Patrick, painter, 55 Pearl st & 35 Fayette street
Kerr Jacob, Peirce st w of Pine
Kershaw Seth, millwright, w end Baltimore street
Kesley Eli, tailor. Potter st s of Douglass
Kesterson John, waterman, Montgomery st near Light
Ketter August, labourer, Lancaster, st w of Ann st
Kettlewell & Wilson, grocers, n w cor Gay and Potter sts
Key Gabriel, painter, 33 s Howard street
Keys Peter, grocer, York avenue intersection Monument &
Forest streets
Keys & Graham, produce dealers, 34 Franklin street
Keys Wm firm do. dw Franklin st e of Pine
Keys James N. 2i Franklin st
Keys John, justice of peace, 83 n Exeter st. office Fish Mar-
Keys Bay ley, grocer, Fayette fit e of Cove [ket space
+Keys Vachel, brass founder, 13 Concord st