KIN Matchett's Baltimore
+Keys John, carter,Light street near Austen
Keyser Samuel S. iron store, s e cor Pratt and South sts
Keyser Charles M. china merchant, Howard st. dw Paca st
of Saratoga
Keyser James, 91 n Eutaw street
Keyser & Schaeffer, mts. counting room, over 208 Balto, st
Keyser William W. China, glass & Queensware mt. 244 1/2
Baltimore sts
Keyser Derwick, dw 18 Paca street
Keyser Charles M. China merchant, 12 n Howard street
Keyser George, Penn, avenue s of Union street
Keyser Samuel, firm Keyser and Schaffer, Fayette st e of Pine
++Keyser Samuel, cooper, Fayette st e of Pine
Key worth Charles B. draper and tailor, 3 Hanover street
+Kiar Daniel, hair dresser, 28 Pratt st near Charles, dw Mont-
gomery street w of Charles
Kidd Charles, edge tool manufactory, Lombard st w of Green,
dw Paca street s of German
Kidd Hannah, shop keeper, Ruxton street
Kidd & White, confectioners, 8 Baltimore street
Kifel George, confectioner, Green st n of Conway
Kilbourn Samuel, tinner, store Baltimore st e of Paca, dw Mul-
berry st w of Paca
Kilbreath Rachel, Wine street e of Cove
Kilbreath mrs Rosanna, boarding house, Eutaw 3d door from
Kilman Thomas, engineer, Granby st w of the run [Pratt
Kilpatrick William, grocer, Penn. av. extended
Kilpatrick mrs Penn, avenue n of Hoffman st
Kilpatrick mrs Rosanna, Fayette st e of Green
Kimberly mrs Ann, 59 Albemarle street
Kimberly Nathaniel, merchant tailor, 23 Philpot et. shop
51 Thames street
Kimmel mrs Catherine, Eutaw st s of Fayette
Kimmel mrs. mantua maker, 119 s Howard street
Kine Jno. labourer, Albemarle st s of Stiles
King George W. boot and shoemaker, 6 n Gay street
King Joseph jr. Charles street near Lexington
King Edward blacksmith, Peace alley w of Eutaw street
King George, carpenter, 13 n Green street
King George, plaisterer, cor Pearl and Fayette sts
King Louisa, n w cor Pearl and Mulberry sts
King Richard, cordwainer, Cove st s of Mulberry
King Nicholas, gunsmith, Fleet st w of Wilk
King mrs Elizabeth, 20 Fleet street
King Mary Ann, seamstress, 9 Fleet street
King John, shoemaker, Forest st n of Madison
King Thomas, labourer, Thames st w of Bond
King George, smith, iron & rope dealer, Thames w of Bond
King John, ship joiner, 67 Smith's whf. dw Stiles street betw
Exeter and Gough