KEN Matchett's Baltimore
Kelso John R. merchant tailor, 6 South street
Kelso Thomas, victualler, Baltimore st 1 door w of Aisquith
Kelso George Y. farmer, Water st n side 2d door w of High
Kelso Elizabeth, huckster, Peirce st w of Chatsworth
Kemp Thomas, dw 94 s Paca street
Kemp Edward D. attorney at law, 10 Courtland street
Kemp Ann, confectioner, Shakspeare st w of Market
Kemp Richard, grocer, s e cor Lexington and Sharp sts
Kemp George, paver, Harford road n of lumber yard
Kemp Lewis, merchant, Paca st s of Franklin
Kemp & Buckey, dry goods merchants, 246 Baltimore st. dw
cor Mulberry and Green streets
Kemp Thomas, carpenter, Howard st n of Lombard, dw Paca
st w of Lunn's lane [and Mulberry sts
Kemp John R. proprietor of Franklin Inn, n e cor Howard
Kemp James, ship carpenter, Gough st e of Eden
Kemp Simon, justice of Peace, Gay st s e of the bridge, dw
+Kemp James, blacksmith, Hill st near Charles
+Kernp Joseph, labourer, William st near Cross
Kenan Charles, collector, n Liberty street s of Saratoga
Kenan Thomas, carter, Union st E of Penn, avenue
Kenan Patrick, labourer, Wilk st w of Exeter
Kendall Thomas, plane maker, 9 McClellan st
Kendall Jas. B. prop, of race course, & tavern keeper, Canton
Kendall Mary, Pine street e side s of Lexington
Kendall Hezekiah, Lombard st w of Pine
Kenedy John, bookseller, 17 Harrison st
Kenedy Thomas, importer of dry goods, 141a Baltimore st.
dw Franklin st e of Pine
Kenley Edward, proprietor of steam plaister mill, German st
near Green, dw Baltimore st opposite Pearl
Kennard mrs. boarding house, 2 South street
Kennard William H. grocer, Hill st w of Charles
Kennard John, agent, dw Pearl st n of Saratoga
Kennard John H. Pearl st s of Mulberry
Kennard Alexander A. justice of peace, Lexington st w of
Eutaw, dw Pearl st s of Mulberry
Kennard Samuel C, ship carpenter, 39 Philpot street
++Kennard William, brickmaker, Water st near Strawberry al
Kennedy George, tailor, Montgomery st near Light
Kennedy John, fruit dealer, 65 s Frederick street
Kennedy William, ship master, 4 e water street
Kennedy John H. fancy chair maker, 9 n Gay street
Kennedy Mordecai, blacksmith, North st near Bath, dw cor
Centre and Calvert streets
Kennedy John P. attorney at law, dw Mount Vernon and
Washington place
Kennedy mrs Evaline, cupper and leecher, 11s Liberty st
Kennedy John, Paca street n of Pratt
Kennedy Joseph, machinist, Cove st s of Mulberry