JOI Matchett's Baltimore
+Johnson Jane, huckster, Forest st s of Douglass
+Johnson Henry, labourer, Park lane w of Cove street
+Johnson Elizabeth, Short st near Jefferson
+Johnson Alexander, Cove st extended
+Johnson James, sawyer, Strawberry alley n of Wilk st
+Johnson Job, labourer, Chatsworth st s of Franklin
+Johnson EJvvard, labourer, Strawberry alley nof Wilk st
+Johnson Nancy, Pearl st s of Saratoga
+Johnson Cato, seaman, Happy alley n of Lancaster street
+Johnson Samuel, blacksmith, Long alley n of New street
+Johnson Noali, cooper, Happy alley n of Fleet street
+Johnson Eli, drayman, Eutaw st opposite Barre
+Johnson Nathaniel, labourer, Happy alley n of Fleet st
+Johnson Samuel, laboarer, 10 n Sharp st
+Johnson Sally, Strawberry alley n of Pratt street
+Johnson Henry jr. cordwainer, Hawk street
+Johnson John, waiter, Sararoga st extended
+Johnson Thomas, brickrnoulder, Park lane e of Pine street
+Johnson Nathan, labourer, 167 Bond street
+Johnson Clara, 37 Lerew's alley
+Johnson Fanny, German st near Cove
+Johnson James, carter, Sugar alley
++Johnson John, labourer, William st near Cross
+Johnson William, waiter, Pleasant st near Park
+Johnson Susan, Hamilton st near St. Paul's lane
+Johnson Samuel, drayman, Long alleys of New street
+Johnson Solomon, tanner, Cove st near Pratt
+Johnson Rachel, Peace alley, w of Pearl street
+Johnson Thomas, gardner, Peach alley w of Pearl st
+Johnson Susan, Peach alley w of Pearl street
+Johnson Sandy, Sarah Ann st w of Chatsworth
++Johnson William, labourer, 3 Forest st n of Douglass
+Johnson Ann, huckster, Forest st n of Douglass
+Johnson Spencer, shoemaker, sw cor French and Forest sts
+Johnson Joseph, labourer, Forest st n of Madison
+Johnson William, Hill street near Charles
+Johnson mrs. huckster, Hill st near Charles
+Johnson Jno. confectioner, Saratoga st near Colonade baths
+Johnson John, carter, Exeter st n of Gay
+Johnson Jas. cordwainer, Long alley n of New street
+Johnson William, waiter, Conway st near Eutaw
+Johnson Henrietta, Low st E of Aisquith
+Johnson Aaron, labourer, Guilford alley near Light street
++Johnson Charles, sawyer, Bank st
+Johnson Thomas, gardner, Peach alley w of Pearl st
++Johnson Spencer, shoemaker, cor York av. & Monument st,
Johnston David, coachsmith, Cathedral st near Richmond
Johnston mrs S. pelisse, habit & and fancy dress maker, Lom-
bard street w end
Joice Elizabeth, 15 Cove street