Director for 1835. JON
Joice William, collector, 109 Aisquith street
Joins John, sailmaker, 96 Dugan's wharf
Joins Leonard, sailmaker, Ross st w of Eutaw
Jonbert Rev. J. H. St. Mary's Seminary
Jones James, tailor, 15 Water street
Jones, mrs Mary, 70 w Pratt st
Jones Levin, grocer & com. merchant, 7 Dugan's wharf
Jones James C. boot and shoemaker, 43 South street
Jones James, draper and tailor, 10 1/2 South street
Jones Garetson, carpenter, North st betw. Lexington & Sara-
toga streets, dw High st 3 doors from Pitt
Jones James H. draper & tailor, 2 Holliday street
Jones Mary, 2 Holliday street
Jones William Gwynn, dw 17 s Howard street
Jones mrs Ann, Courtland st 1 door n of Pleasant
Jones William, tavern, 32 Light street
Jones William, hatter, 7 New Church street
Jones mrs. Eliza, 88 n Liberty street
Jones Hamilton, oyster and porter cellar, under Liberty en-
gine house n Liberty street
Jones Goffro, lottery and exchange office, sw cor Baltimore
Jones Zachariah, 51 s Liberty street [and Liberty Sta
Jones Daniel, dw cor Park arid Richmond sts
Jones Daniel & Theopholis, blacksmiths & wheelwrights,
Cathedral st near Richmond
Jones Samuel, merchant, n w cor Baltimore & Howard sts.
dw n w cor Eutaw st and Cowpen alley
Jones John W. cord wain er, Pine st e side s of George
Jones Dorsey, tobacconist, Cove st n of Saratoga
Jones Paul, carpenter, Cove st s of Frankiin
Jones Jesse, morocco dresser, Cove st Extended
Jones Benj. W. grocer, Baltimore st 2 doors w of Caroline
Jones miss Eleanor, milliner, Baltimore st w of Temple
Jones William R. 63 Pitt st
Jones Capt. Samuel, Jackson st s side
Jones Jemima, Pratt st 1 door w of Caroline
Jones Henry B. watchmaker, Pratt st w of Bond
Jones James, grocer, corner Granby & Gough sts
Jones Jacob, waterman, Granby st E of Gough
Jones James, waterman, Granby st E of Gough
Jones Joshua, printer, Gough st w of Caroline
Jones Alexander, pilot, Bank st E of Eden
Jones Dorsey, tobacconist, 13 Monument st
Jones John, plasterer and lime dealer, corner Monument &
Aisquith sts
Jones Nicholas, potter, 22 N Gay street o t
Jones mrs Elizabeth A. corner Pine & Mulberry sts
Jones Richard, labourer, Saratogo st E of Shroeder
Jones John T. tanner & currier, 21 New street
Jones Uriah, tobacconist, Lexington st w of Paca
Jones Richard, painter, Alice Anna st B of Wolf