Director for 1835 JOH
Johnson Isaac, bacon merchant, Gay st w of Aisquith
Johnson Grafton, shoemaker, 250 Gay st o t
Johnson Jarred, coachsmith, 258 n Gay st o t
Johnson John, carpenter, Hillen st bet. Front and the bridge
Johnson Fergus, weaver, Peirce st w of Chatsworth
Johnson mrs Mary, Peirce st e of Cove
Johnson David, weaver, Preston st w of Ross
Johnson mrs Eliza, Saratoga st e of Cove
Johnson John, carpenter, Franklin st e of Chatsworth
Johnson Edward, chair maker, near cor. Silver and Pitt sts
Johnson mrs. do do do
Johnson Wm. M. grocer, 22 Market st
Johnson mrs. 276 n Howard st
Johnson George, ink maker, Garden st near Richmond
Johnson Robert, drayman. Eager alley near Saratoga st
Johnson Joseph, blacksmith, Fleet st Canton
Johnson & Simms, wholesale grocers & commission mts. 1
Spear's wharf
Johnson James, firm of do. dw Aisquith st near Douglass
Johnson George, saddler, dw Fayette st op Fountain Stables
Johnson Jno. ship carpenter, Argyle alley s of Alice Anna st
Johnson William, stone cutter, Long alley s of Ross street
Johnson George shoemaker, 70 East street
Johnson mrs Frances, Freedom st s of Franklin
Johnson Robert, weaver Neighbour st betw Har. & York av.
Johnson Thomas, shoemaker, 19 Sterling street.
Johnson John, rigger, Fleet street w of Market
Johnson William, grocer, Shakspeare st w of Market
Johnson John, saddler & harness maker, 2 n Howard st
Johnson Laurel L. machinist, Forest street n of Monument
Johnson mrs Sarah, 35 Albemarle street
Johnson Hiram, teacher, Richmond st near Howard
Johnson Grafton ladies' shoe store, 654 Baltimore st. dw 250
Johnson Henry, grocer, 25 Market street f. p. [n Gay st o t
Johnson mrs Sarah, tailoress, Market st s of Fleet
Johnson William, Aisquith st n of Douglass
Johnson mrs Christopher, n e cor Fayette and Eutaw
Johnson Richard R. woollen dresser, 7 Lombard street
Johnson Peter, stevadore, Happy alley n of Lancaster street
Johnson James, 114 Lombard street
Johnson M. A. washer, Guifford alley near Light st
Johnson Joseph, hatter, Hillen street near Sharp
Johnson Robert, labourer, XAlley
Jobnson William J. blacksmith, Charles st near Lee
Johnson Robert, labourer, Charles st near Montgomery
Johnson Elizabeth, washer, 9 Tyson street
Johnson Oliver S. dry goods int. 69 Lexington street
Johnson William, painter, Lombard st near Hanover
+Johnson Thomas, bookmaker, German st near Cove
+Johnson William, seaman, Strawberry alley n of Wilk st