Inspectors of Turpentine—Hugh Bolten, Fees 52,72
" of Lime and Charcoal— Wm. A. Fisher, Fees 972,00
" of do. do John Dutton, Fees 768;37
" of Staves and Heading—five in number receipts only
from two, the emolument trifling.
Assayer of Silver Plate—Samuel Steele—Fees $72,25
Weighers of Hay and Straw—John Wysham, eastern, Frede-
rick Messing, western $750
Keeper of Calvert street Spring—James Chalmers.
" Charles street do. Giles I,. Copes. $200 each.
" Eastern street do. John Brannum.
Keeper of the Powder House—James McCreary, $600
" Public Walk—Andrew Simpson, 100
Superintendent of Streets and Pumps—John Lauderman, John
Fisher, George Milleman, George Ferguson, Wm. Roney, Robert
H. Bradley—Salary $450 each
Superintend, of Chimneys—Edward O'Leary, 1st Dis. 779,24
Isaac Glapp, 2nd do. 1118,47
Richard Hedrick, 3rd do. 1654,40
John Ensor, 4th do. 795,17
John W. Carter, 5th do. 1000,87
Henry R Musser, 6th do. 706,48
Abraham Bush, 7th do. 683,48
Wm. K. Boyle, 8th do. 634,40
Edward Oustler, 9th do. 693,33
Danl. McJilton, 10th do. 295,12
According to the returns of the Superintendents of Chimneys,
the total number of houses in the city is 3,541, the new ones built
in 1834, 583.
Clerk of the Centre Market—Nicholas Brewer—Salary $500
Assistant do. Geo S. Wimmell—Salary 350
Clerk ofFell's Point do. Daniel James—Salary 300
Clerk of Hanover do- John Simmons—Salary
Clerk of Lexington do. Wm. Ball, Jr. do. 350
Assistant do. do. John D Miller, do- 250
Clerk, of Bell Air do. Thomas Mullen, sen. do. 150
Justices of the Peace to receive the reports of the Night Watch,
James Blair Wm. A Schaffer, and Robert J Dutton—$100 each,
Captains oj the Night Watch, Eastern District—Daniel Per-
rigo, William Tucker—Middle District, A, 1. W. Jackson, James
Mullen—Western District, Ttiomas Mullen, John W. King. Each
Captain receive 30 dollars per month
Lieutenants of the Night Watch and City Police officers—
George B Sumwalt, Henry G. Freeburger, John Wright, James
Arrnons, Philip Staylor, John Zell, John C. Hennick, ——————
Hair, William S. Young, Carviil Conway, Thomas Cafferty,
Richard Willliams. Each 20 dollars for night duty and 220 dol-
lars per annum for additional services
City Bailiffs—1st Ward Thomas S. Harrison, Henry Ruley.
2d Ward B. H. W. Bateman, Thomas Brown.
3rd do. Francis Murray, Samuel Burnham.
4th do Ezekiel Mills, John Burnham.
5th du. Saml. M Richardson, Gabriel Smithson.
6th da. Wm. Edgar, John L. Dubois.