7th do. James Welsh, Edward C. Taylor.
8th do Jacob Suter, Levi Lewis.
9th do. George Smith, Stephen Darden.
10th do. Isaac Walmsley, Jacob B Shield.
11th do. William Jordan,John L. Dubois.
12th do. Christian Nagle, Nicholas Wyant.
Salaries of the whole, 715 dollars.
Reviewers of Flour—George Baxley, Henry V. Sumner, mer-
chants—John Super, Henry White, William Wierman, Bakers-
Isaac Hollinsworth—Miller
Trustees of the Poor—William Dickinson, Archibald Sterling,
John King, Matthew Bennett.
Assessor Additional Assessment, 1835—Charles Farquharson,
R. B. Varden, Thomas Stansbury.
Arbitrators upon inspection of Sole Leather &c.
Thomases e well, Mark Jenkins, Elmors Hewett.
Arbitrators upon inspection of Green Hides, Skins &c.
Alexander Gould, Butcher, William Miller, tanner, Joseph
Davenport, dealer in leather
Board of Appeal on the inspection of Lime.
John Wilson, Edward Green, James Allen
Commissioners of Tax—Charles Howard, Archibald Sterling,
John Dushane, James Hooper, John King.
Commissioners of Public Schools—Edward Dennison J. I.
Cohen, jr. Peter Fenby, F. Lucas, jr John Reese, Samuel Moore,
Francis H. Davidge, Wm. Reaney The expense of these schools
for 1834 was 13, 213 51 dollars. The five public school buildings
are calculated to accommodate 3000 children—The present num
ber of scholars are about 800
Watch Houses—Three in number.—The Centre at the corner
of North street and Orange alley; the Eastern, corner of Market
and Alice Anna streets, Fells Point; the Western in Paca street
near Fayette.
The Mayor's Office, Collector's Office, Register's Office, Com-
missioners of the City and Commissioners of Health Offices, are
all in the City Hall, and the City Council, comprised of a first
and second branch, hold their sessions there also—all the former
departments on the first floor—the two latter occupy apartments
on the second.
Cily Hall—Situated on the East side of Holliday street, North
of the lot belonging to the German Lutheran Church, and a short
distance South of Saratoga street.
The Lazaretto and Quarantine Ground—Building on the East
side of the Patapsco River, about three miles from the City
Fort McHenry—Situated on the West side of the Patapsco,
opposite the Lazaretto.
Court House—Situated on the West side of North Calvert
street, extending from Court House lane to Lexington-st. on its
Eastern front, and together with the lot attached thereto, occu-
pying the entire square comprised between Court House lane on
the South, Calvert street on the East, Lexington street on the
North and St. Paul's street on the West. In this building the