on the third Monday in September, at Annapolis, by electors
who are chosen by the people on the first Monday of the same
month of September. These electors choose by ballot 9 Sena-
tors from the Western Shore, and 6 from the Eastern, who hold
their office five years. The executive power is vested in a Go-
vernor, who is elected annually on the first Monday in January,
by a joint ballot of both Houses of the General Assembly. No
one can hold the office of Governor more than three years suc-
cessively, nor be eligible as Governor until the erpiration of four
years after he has been out of that office. The Governor is
assisted by a Council of five members, who are chosen annually
by a joint ballot of the Senate and House of Delegates The
General Assembly meets annually (at Annapolis) on the last
Monday in December. The Council of the Governor is elected
on the first Tuesday in January; the Governor nominates to office,
and the Council appoints.
The Constitution grants the right of suffrage to every free,
white, male citizen, above 21 years of ag-e, having resided twelve
months within the state and six months in the county, or in the
city of Annapolis or Baltimore, next preceding- the election at
which he offers to vote.
The Chancellor and Judges are nominated by the Governor,
and appointed by the Council; and they hold their office during1
good behaviour.
[The Legislature formerly met on the first Monday in Dec.,
and the Governor was elected on the 2d Monday of Dec.; but the
Constitution was altered at the session of 1823, and confirmed
in 1824.]
Mayor —General Samuel Smith—Salary $2,000.
Register.-— Emanual Kent—Salary $1,500
City Attorney —George Gordon Belt—Salary $600.
Collector of Taxes.—Francis J. Dallam
City Commissioners and Port Wardens.—William Robinson,
James Curley—Salary $750 each per annum, clerk, John H.
Dorsey—Salary $650.
Commissioners of Health—Jacob Deems, Peter Foy, William
Stewart—Salary $600—clerk, David Harris—Salary $500.
Consulting- Physician—Dr. Horatio G, Jameson—Salary $700.
Health Officer— Dr. Samuel B. Martin—Salary $500.
City Messenger—Samuel Myers—Salary $525.
Harbour Masters—Thomas A. Lane, Western District, receives
20 per cent commission for collecting wharfagejast year received
$1952, collected by him $7808 James Cole, Eastern District —
receives £0 per cent commissions, last year received $382. 53,
amount collected by him $765,05.
Inspector of Butter and Lard—Philemon Towson—received last
year $1670 87.
Inspector of Flaxseed, Felix Denvier—Fees last year, $ 172 87
" of Beef and Pork—E. P. Barrows, do 1,336,50
" of Weights and Measures—Jno. Lamb, do 687.20
" of Long and Dry Measure—Wm. Baner, do 345 00
" of Pot and Pearl Ashes—Robert Aitken. (none)