THE Mayor is appointed every two years, immediately by the
people. The first and second branches of the City Council are
also elected by the people, the first annually and the second bi-
ennially. The elections for Mayor and Councilmen are held by
judges appointed by the Mayor The City is laid off into twelve
wards. Each send 2 members to the tirst and 1 to the second
branch of the Council The Mayor and members of the second
branch of the City Council, must be assessed on the Assessor's
books to the amount of $500—the property qualification of the
members of the first branch is $300. The Mayor has a negative
power over all laws passed by the Council, has the right of nomi-
nating all officers to the Council and of discharging them for
misconduct. The Council approve or disapprove his nomination
as they may see fit. In the recess of the Council the Mayor can
fill all vacancies The Corporation, that is, the Mayor and City
Council, have full power to pass all ordinances necessary for
paving, repaving and lighting the streets, lanes and alleys, to
sink wellrf, to license and regulate brokers, hacks, coaches, &c.
kept for hire, carts, wagons, porters and watermen, to make all
regulations respecting the same, to prohibit the erection of
wooden buildings, provide magazines for gunpowder, to prevent
the storage of combustible matter in the city, to erect or build
houses of correction, hospitals, post houses, to make assessments
of property as often as necessary; to punish slaves corporeally for
breaking of ordinances; to prevent the making of docks or canals;
to lay off streets; to regulate weights and measures; to prevent
and remove nuisances; to lay and collect taxes to a certain per
centum and enforce the collection of the same; to contract loans
and issue certificates of stock, not exceeding one million of dol-
lars; to preserve order, secure property and persons from violence,
danger or destruction, protect the public and city property: to
promote the great interests and insure the good government
of the city; to provide for and regulate the weighing of hay; to
establish public schools and lay taxes for their also for
the support of the city government.
The Constitution of this State was first formed in 1776; since
which time many amendments have been made.
The Legislative power is vested in a Senate, consisting of 15
members, and a House of Delegates, consisting of 80 members;
and these two branches united,are styled the General Assembly
of Maryland
The members of the House of Delegates, four from each county,
are selected annually by the people, on the first Monday in Oc-
tober; and the members of the Senate are elected every fifth year