said Montgomery county to levy for and the Board of County
School Commissioners of said Montgomery county to pay
obligations incurred by the latter in excess of its receipts
to the extent of not exceeding five thousand dollars.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section five of the Act entitled An Act to authorize
and empower the County Commissioners of Montgomery coun-
ty to fund certain indebtedness of the Board of County School
Commissioners of Montgomery county, by issuing bonds there-
for, and to levy a tax for the payment of the same, passed at
the session of the General Assembly of Maryland of eighteen
hundred and eighty-two, Chapter thirty-eight, be and the same
is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
SEC... 5. And be it enacted, That hereafter the Board oi
County School Commissioners for Montgomery county shall
not expend for school purposes, or for any other purpose, a
greater sum of money in any one year than the aggregate
amount of its receipts for such school year, including the
amount annually levied for school purposes by the County
Commissioners of said county and the amount annually re-
ceived by said board from the Treasurer of the State; and said
Board of County School Commissioners shall not borrow an\
sum or sums of money in any one year in excess of their actual
receipts and incomes for such school year; and it shall not be
lawful for said County School Commissioners to contract or
pay any debt in excess of the receipts of said board during any
such school year; nor shall the County Commissioner^ of said
county assume or pay any debt or portion thereof contracted
in violation of the provisions of this Act; provided, however,
that it shall not be unlawful for said Board of County School
Commissioners to borrow money sufficient to pay its teachers
and other school employees at or about the 1st day of June
in each year in anticipation of the installment or installments
of State appropriations in said school year thereafter due and
payable; and should the necessary expenditures of said Board
of County School Commissioners exceed the bona fide estimate
thereof to the extent of not exceeding five thousand ($5,000)
dollars, this Act shall not be so construed as to prevent said
Board of County School Commissioners from anticipating its
revenues from the next succeeding school year to the amount
of such indebtedness of not exceeding five thousand ($5,000)
dollars or prevent the County Commissioners from taking
into consideration any such possible or actual deficit to the
extent of not exceeding five thousand ($5.000) dollars in mak-
ing its levy for school purposes."