SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1910.
AN ACT to provide for the appointment of a Justice of the
Peace for Montgomery County at large and define the duties,
powers, authority and jurisdiction of said Justice and other
Justices of said Montgomery County, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Governor be and he is hereby authorized, em-
powered and directed by and with the consent of the Senate of
the State of Maryland, if in session, and without the consent
and approval of the Senate, if not in session, to biennially ap-
point a Justice of the Peace for Montgomery county at large,
and to designate said Justice of the Peace appointed by the
provisions of this Act as Police Justice.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That said Police Justice shall be a
resident of the County of Montgomery, in the State of Mary-
land, and who before he acts as much shall give bond to the
State of Maryland in the penalty of one thousand dollars, with
a surety or secureties to be approved by the County Commis-
sioners of Montgomery county, conditioned that he will well
and faithfully execute the duties and obligations of Justice of
the Peace, and that he will account for and pay over to the
County Commissioners of said county all fines, penalties, for-
feitures and costs imposed by him, which he shall receive for
or on account of criminal offenses tried before him under the
provisions of the Public General Laws and the Public Local
Laws, which bond shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the
Circuit Court, and shall be liable at the suit of the State for
the use of the County Commissioners in case of default in anj
of its conditions.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the Justice of the Peace appoint-
ed by virtue of this Act shall have an office in the Court House
at Rockville, and shall attend at his office as often as the busi-
ness of same may require his attention, and at least four days
of each and every week from the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. until
1 o'clock P. M.; provided, however, that said Justice shall give
notice by publication or otherwise of the days of the week
that he will be at said office for the transaction of business.
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That said Justice of the Peace shall
have the same jurisdiction in civil actions as other Justices of