SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Washington and Rockville Railway Company,
a corporation operating an electric railway for about nine and
three-quarter miles, from the line of the District of Columbia
to the west end of the town of Rockville in Montgomery coun-
ty, shall divide the line of its said railway into not exceeding
three fare-zones, the first of which shall extend from the line
of the District of Columbia to the first street crossing of said
railroad east of the present residence of Cyrus Reiser, and the
remainder of said railroad shall be divided into two fare-zones,
of as .nearly equal distance in length as the point of meeting
thereof upon a public highway will permit, and shall not
charge passengers on its cars on said railway an amount ex-
ceeding five cents for each of said fare-zones or part of a zone
through which such passenger may travel.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said Washington
and Rockville Railway Company, shall sell monthly commuta-
tion tickets, containing not less than twenty-six round trips
to and from each terminus of said railway, to and from any
point on said railway at a rate not exceeding two-thirds of the
full fare as provided in Section 1, and shall also sell monthly
commutation school tickets to bona fide school children under
twenty years of age, containing not less than twenty-two round
trips, to and from each terminus of said railroad to and from
any point on said railway at a rate not exceeding one-half of
the full fare as provided in Section 1; provided nothing herein
contained shall be construed to prevent said company from
hauling passagers free of charge, and grant them special com-
mutation rates over that portion of its railroads lying between
the District of Columbia and Somerset Heights.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That for any violation of
the preceding section, the said Washington and Rockville Rail-
way Company, shall be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars
($100.00) for each violation thereof, and the costs, upon con-
viction by any Justice of the Peace of said Montgomery county,
one-half of said fine to go to the informer, and the other half
to be paid to the Treasurer of said county; and such fine may
be collected by the Sheriff of said Montgomery county by seiz-
ure of any one of the cars, or other property of said railroad
company in said county, and a sale thereof after ten days' pub-
lic notice.
SEC. 4. And. be it further enacted, That a service of a sum-
mons upon any conductor or motorman of said railway com-
pany shall be sufficient service for the imposition of the afore-
said fine after a trial and conviction in due course of law.