one hundred dollars ($100) of the assessable property as afore-
said in any one year; and provided further that all white, adult
owners of assessable property in the said several divisions or
parts of the village of Chevy Chase to which said association
shall relate, shall be eligible to membership therein.
SEC. 3. That the Chevy Chase Association of Montgomery
county, a corporation organized under the laws of the State
of Maryland, shall have power to enter into a contract, in writ-
ing, with the Chevy Chase Club, a corporation organized under
the laws of the District of Columbia, for the payment by said
Club of the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) annually for
a period of ten (10) years from the date of said contract, and
for the payment of two thousand dollars ($2,000) annually
by said Club for the additional period of fifteen (15) years, the
said sums to be used and expended by said association for the
aforesaid purposes in said part of said village known as Sec-
tion Two of said sub-division of said Chevy Chase Land Com-
pany of Montgomery county, Maryland, the said contract and
the payments thereunder to be in consideration of the use and
enjoyment of the streets and roadways of said last mentioned
part of said village, and said Chevy Chase Association shall
also have power to enter into a contract, in writing, with the
said Chevy Chase Land Company of Montgomery county, Mary-
land, by virtue of which the said Land Company shall pay to
the Treasurer of said Chevy Chase Association the sum of one
thousand dollars (£1,000) annually for a period of three years
for the purposes aforesaid, and in consideration of the use and
enjoyment of the streets and roadways of said last mentioned
part of said village; provided, that no special levy shall be
inside, or special tax collected, upon so much of the lands in
such parts of said village known as Station 3 of said sub-divi-
sion of the Chevy Chase Land Company of Montgomery county,
Maryland, or that portion of the land of said Chevy Chase
Land Company lying between Grafton street and the property
of the Chevy Chase Club now used for sewerage disposal pur-
poses, so long as such lands shall be so used.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted. That this Act shall take
effect on the 25th day of April, 1910, unless the village of Chevy
Chase shall become incorporated prior thereto in which event
this Act shall be null and of no effect.
Approved April 8, 1910.
AN ACT to regulate fares on the line of the Washington and
Rockville Railway Company, in Montgomery county.