account or tax bill, a copy of the same shall be left upon the
premises taxed, and shall, unless the same be paid by the 1st
of January succeeding the date of the levy, collect the same,
with all costs, by distress and sale of the real property of the
delinquent at public auction after giving at least thirty days'
public notice of such sale in some newspaper published or cir-
culated in said town. The non-presentation of such tax bill
shall not affect the validity of any proceedings to enforce the
collection of taxes.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted. That the Mayor and Common
Council shall deliver to the purchaser at any tax sale, as here-
tofore provided for the collection of taxes, a deed of the real
property sold, and said deed shall convey to the purchaser
said property sold, and shall be presumptive evidence that all
requirements of the law have been complied with in making
such sale and deed, but the delinquent taxpayer shall have the
right to redeem said property at any time within two years by
paying the unpaid taxes and costs and the legal interest and
ten per cent, thereon.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council shall cause to be constructed, as they may determine
necessary for the public welfare, sidewalks on any of the
streets of said town, of brick, concrete, cement or other mate-
rial, to comply with such specifications as the Mayor and
Common Council may direct, and shall assess upon the land
abutting said sidewalks the cost thereof, which assessment
shall be a lien upon such abutting property; said assessment
may be paid in installments as may be decided upon by the
Mayor and Common Council, the last of which installments
must be paid within a period of two years from the date of
said assessment.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council shall not expend or contract to expend in any one fis-
cal year more money than the amount receivable from taxes
and other sources during that year; provided, that in case of
a surplus being left from a previous year, said surplus may be
expended in addition to the amount receivable from taxes for
the current year.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the commissioners for the
county, justice of the peace, sheriff, constable, and all the
county and State officers shall have and exercise their offices
and jurisdiction in the said town. The said Commissioners of
Prince George's county shall appropriate annually three-quar-
ters of the full amount of road tax levied or imposed upon the
assessable property within the corporate limits of the town,
and shall order the collector, Who shall collect all such taxes.