within said corporate limits, to pay said three-quarters of the
road taxes to the Mayor and Common Council of said town
for the improvement exclusively of the streets and roads with-
in the corporate limits of the town.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That local justices of the peace
for Prince George's county are hereby declared to be "conserva-
tors of the peace for the town, and it shall be their duty to
order the arrest of any person found by them violating any of
the ordinances of the town, and upon complaint made before
them of the violation of any ordinance of said town they shall
issue process, in the name of the Mayor and Common Council
of Mount Rainier, to recover the fine or penalty imposed for
the violation of such ordinance against the party offending,
and may hear and determine the matter as any case arising
under the laws of the State, and shall receive the same fee
therefor. All fines recovered in such sults at law for the
breach of any rule, ordinance, regulations or by-law of the
corporation, before any justice of the peace of Prince George's
county, shall be collected by said justice and paid over to the
treasurer of said corporation within one month after the col-
lection of same, and the said justice shall render an account
to the Mayor and Common Council every month, or oftener, if
required, of the amount so received by him, and in the event
of the failure to account for said collections he shall be fined
and pay not less than one hundred dollars, to be imposed and
collected as are other fines imposed by the penal laws of the
SEC. 18 And be it enacted. That a constable of Prince
George's county, who shall be a resident within said corporate
limits, shall be the peace officer of the said croporation, and
shall make arrests for viloations of the ordinances of the said
corporation and conserve the peace and good order of the
town. As compensation he shall receive the same fees and
in same manner as provided for other constables of Prince
George's county.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That all streets, avenues, roads,
alleys and street lights, in the corporate limits of Mount Rai-
nier are hereby declared to be under the supervision and con-
trol of the Mayor and Common Council.
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That no public franchise of any
kind shall be leased or purchased except pursuant to a vote of
the voters of the town had after ten days' notice given in the
usual way, and upon such regulations as the Mayor and Com-
mon Council shall prescribe.
SEC. 21. The holder of any elective office may be removed
at any time by the electors qualified to vote for a successor of