and alleys; for the establishment of building lines and build-
ing regulations; for prohibiting the carrying of concealed
weapons; for prohibiting the discharge of firearms, firecrack-
ers, torpedoes and other explosives; for preventing swine,
cattle, fowls, dogs or other animals from running at large on
the streets; for granting franchises, licenses, taxing and regu-
lating occupations and professions and all amusements and
public exhibitions; for the purpose of raising revenue to meet
the current expenses of the town, as well as for the purpose
of the proper protection, of the health, good order and peace
of the town; for the suppression of gambling, vice and im-
morality; for the apprehending and puinshing of all tramps
and vagrants; it may pass all ordinances necessary from time
to time to carry out and enforce the foregoing provisions, and
to give full force and effect to the powers and authority con-
ferred on said corporation, and may enforce such ordinance
by reasonable fines and penalties; it may recover said fines or
penalties by an action of debt, and in addition thereto may
imprison the offender until the fine be paid, not exceeding
thirty days' imprisonment, to be in the town lockup, if one
be provided, or in the county jail, and the sheriff o'f Prince
George's county shall recieve and confine any person so com-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council shall have power to levy on or before the thirtieth
day of June for each year, the tax year commencing with the
first day of July, taxes at such rates as they may find neces-
sary to meet anticipated expenses for the coming fiscal year,
not to exceed twenty cents of the hundred dollars based on the
State and county assessment for all purposes, and all taxes
so levied shall be a lien on any and all property of the person,
company or corporation against whom they may be levied, and
the taxes for each year shall be due and payable on the first
day of July next succeeding the levy thereof, and will be in
arrears and subject to legal interest from and after that date,
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That whenever the Mayor and
Common Council shall levy a tax, they shall cause to be made
an alphabetical list of the persons charged therewith, and shall
cause to be affixed thereto the respective sums to be collected
from such persons, and a warrant to the treasurer to collect
the same.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the treasurer shall, within
ten days after the receipt of such list and warrant, render to
such person named therein an account or tax bill, showing the
amount due by him, if he be a resident of the town, and if he
be a non-resident, and cannot be conveniently served with said