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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 951   View pdf image (33K)
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coupon bonds of the said town, at not less than par and accrued
interest, to the amount of not exceeding fifteen thousand dol-
lars ($15,000.00) par value, to mature and become payable at
such date not exceeding forty years from the date thereof and
to bear interest at such rate not exceeding five per centum per
annum, payable semi-annually, as the said Mayor and City
Council shall determine, for the purpose of repairing and en-
larging the present electric light plant, paying the debts con-
tracted, to wit: The sum of $3,900.00, or, in its discretion, to
build and equip a new plant to provide electric lights of the
streets of said town and for commercial use, or to contract
with any person, company or corporation for the furnishing
of electric lights for streets, commercial and power purposes.
And for the purpose of providing a fund to pay the interest
and create a sinking fund for the payment of the interest and
the said bonds at maturity, the said Mayor and City Council
of Laurel is hereby authorized and empowered to levy, in addi-
tion to the levy of twenty-five cents hereinbefore authorized, a
special tax not exceeding ten cents on the hundred dollars of the
assessed value of all property, real and personal, in the town
of Laurel, subject to taxation, should the said loan or bond
issue for fifteen thousand dollars be ratified or approved by
the qualified voters of said town, and the provisions of section
six of this Act relative to the issuance of bonds of said town,
collection of taxes and creation of and protection of a sinking
fund to pay the bonds at maturity, and for the payment of
interest on the bonds shall govern and control the issuance
and all questions arising thereunder as fully as if they were
set forth in detail in this section.

SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City Council
of Laurel shall submit to the vote of the legally qualified voters
of said town of whether or not said town shall issue bonds in
the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars to establish, construct
and maintain the sewer and drainage system for said town and
extend the water system as hereinbefore set forth, at a special
election to be held in the City Hall in the said town, after ten
days' public notice thereof, by publication in a newspaper
published in said town, if there be a paper published in said
town, or in such other newspaper published in said county as
the said Mayor and City Council may select, and by such other
notice as the said Mayor and City Council may prescribe or
adopt, giving notice of the intent and object of this Act, and
date, time and place of said election; and the said Mayor and
City Council of Laurel shall also submit to the vote of the
legally qualified voters of said town the question of whether
or not said town shall issue bonds in the sum of fifteen thou-


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 951   View pdf image (33K)
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