terms, and at the expiration of each term of office, the Mayor
and City Council shall elect a person to serve for three years,
and a vacancy by death, resignation or removal from the town
shall be filled by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation by the
City Council. And the said commission shall organize within
thirty days after the adoption of this Act by the people, by
electing a president, secretary and treasurer, and shall keep a
record of their proceedings, which shall be open to public in-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the money arising from the
sale of said bonds shall be deposited in bank to the credit of the
said Sewerage Commission of Laurel, and subject to the check
of the said commission, or three-fourths of the members thereof,
and the clerk to the said Mayor and City Council and the treas-
urer of said town shall each keep in a book or books, to be
specially provided for the purpose, a full registry of the bonds
sold, the several numbers of the bonds, and the names and ad-
dresses of the purchasers and the amount realized on sales, and
of any transfers or assignments of the same.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, The fund realized from the sale of
the said bonds shall be applied to the purposes of this Act, and
shall be paid by check, signed by the said commission, or three-
fourths of the members thereof, and the said commission is
hereby authorized and empowered to pass such orders for the
payment of moneys due for the construction of said sewers and
drainage, or to the contractor or contractors for the construc-
tion of the same as shall from time to time be due or earned by
the contractor or contractors in the prosecution of the said
work, and also from time to time to pass orders for the payment
of property purchased or condemned, and for material furnished
in pursuance of the provisions of this Act The said commission
may in its discretion employ a competent hydrographical engi-
neer to superintend the work of constructing the said sewers
and drainage.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That upon and after the comple-
tion of the said sewers and drainage system all houses, fac-
tories, etc., erected in said town of Laurel shall have sanitary
connections with said sewers, and it shall be unlawful for any
oAvner or occupant of any new house, factory, etc., hereafter
erected to have and use any closet with a box or other recep-
tacle above ground; and as to houses, factories, etc., built prior
to the adoption of this Act, connection shall be made within
five years thereafter.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City Council
of Laurel is hereby authorized and empowered to issue and sell