sand dollars, and to issue coupon bonds of the said town in
payment of said principal sum of money so to be borrowed.
The said bonds shall be for sums not lees than one hundred
dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars each, and be paya-
ble, principal and interest, at such banking: institutions in the
city of Baltimore, Maryland, as the said Improvement Com-
mission shall designate. The paid bonds shall be of even date,
and be payable as to principal in thirty years from their date,
and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed four per centum
per annum, payable semi annually. The said bonds shall be
forever exempt from county and municipal taxation, and shall
have printed on them a distinct reference to the Act of Assem-
bly authorizing the issue thereof. The said bonds shall be
consecutively numbered, be signed by the president oi the
Improvement Commission and countersigned by the secretary
of the said Commission, and have the corporate seal of the
town of Hyattsville affixed thereto, and the president, as such,
of the Town Commissioners of Hyattsville, is hereby author-
ized, empowered and directed to affix the corporate seal to
the said bonds to be issued as aforesaid. It shall be the duty
of the clerk to the Town Commissioners of Hyattsville to
Record to be
enter a recoid of the said bonds in a separate book, to be espe-
cially provided for the purpose and retained in the custody of
the said Town Commissioners.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Improvement
Commission be and is hereby authorized, empowered and
directed, to construct and establish water works and sewers for
To construct
and estab-
lish water
works and
the town of Hyattsville, and to contract for and purchase in
fee simple in the corporate name of the said town, or lease in
the name of the said town f or a term of years, renewable at the
pleasure of the Commissioners of said town, any land, real
estate, spring, brook and watercourse which said Improvement
Commission may deem expedient and necessary for the pur-
pose of constructing, establishing and maintaining the water
works and sewers provided for in this Act; and the said Com-
mission is hereby vested with all the rights and powers neces-
sary for the construction and establishment of the said water
works and sewers, and the introduction thereby of water into
said town and disposal of sewers. If the said Commission
shall be unable to purchase or lease, as the case may be, from
any owner of real or leasehold estatef spring, brook, water or
water course, or anything which partakes of or in part of
realty or for any right of way which the Commission find
necessary or expedient for the construction, establishment and