Commissioners for the said town of Hyattsville, and the ballot B
shall have printed on them the words* "For the issue of water
bonds," if the ballot to be cast be for the "issue, and "Against
the issue of water bonds" if the ballots to be cast be against the
issue. The returns of said election shall be made in the same
manner as is provided for in the election of Town Commis-
sioners, and if a majority of the votes cast shall be against the
issue of water bonds, then and in that case no bonds shall be
issued ; but if the majority of votes cast shall be for the issue
of water bonds, the Improvement Commissioners of water
works and sewerage hereinafter provided may issue said bonds
to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, as hereinafter
SEC. 3. And be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That for the purpose of constructing and establish-
Manner of
ing water works to provide water for the residents of the town
of Hyattsville, and protection of property in said town from
fire, and for the construction of sewers for said town, an Im-
provement Commission be and is hereby created and consti-
tuted, composed of Michael V. Tierney, as the president of
the Board of Town Commissioners of Hyattsville, and Clar-
ence Wilson, as one other Town Commissioner, and the follow-
ing named residents of Hyattsville, viz : Francis H. Smith,
Charles A. Wells, Richard E. White, Roger Bellis and Levin
H. Campbell ; and in case of a vacancy on said Improvement
Commission the same shall be filled by a selection from among
the residents of Hyattsville, by a majority of the remaining
members of said Improvement Commission ; provided, always,
that the president, as such, of the Board of town Commis-
sioners of Hyattsville, and one other Town Commissioner,
shall be members of said Improvement Commission. The
said Improvement Commission shall chose, from among its
ment com-
members, a president and a secretary for said Commission.
Four members of said Commission shall constitute a quorum
to do business, the members of said Commission shall serve
without pay ; and the powers of the said Improvement Com-
mission shall terminate upon the completion of the water works,
and delivery over of the same by the said Commission to the
Town Commissioners of Hyattsville.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Improvement
Commission be and it is hereby authorized, empowered and A
directed to borrow money on the credit of the town of Hyatts-
ville to an amount not exceeding the sum of twenty-five thou-
to borrow