maintenance, of said water works and sewers, or any part or
portion thereof, and for the laying of conduits for conveying
the water to and through said town and the disposal of sewer-
. age, the said Improvement Commission is hereby clothed with
the power of condemnation under the right of eminent domain,
as provided in section 167 of Article 23 of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, as fully as if said section had been
herein incorporated ; the manner of procedure of the said
Improvement Commission in condemnation shall in all partic-
ulars be the same as is provided by said section 167 of said
Article 23.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That said Improvement Commis-
sion is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all
acts necessary and proper to execute the provisions of this Act
relating to the construction and establishment of water works
and sewers, and to provide tire plugs or hydrants to protect
property in Hyattsville from tire ; and the Town Commis-
sioners of Hyattsville are hereby authorized, empowered and
required to do all acts necessary and proper to maintain the
said water works and sewers provided for in this Act; to pur-
chase supplies and material for the maintenance of said water
works and sewers; to make repairs and renewals, and to make
extensions of the same upon such conditions as they shall deem,
best ; to employ superintendents or such other employes as
they may deem necessary to operate the same; to establish rules
for the service of water to the residents of Hyattsville; to have
charge of and control the use of the tire plugs or hydrants; to
have the right to lay the service pipes; to determine the size of
said pipe, and the time and manner of laying t,uch pipes, the
right to require and install a water meter for private consumers
and the right to control the management of the same, and the
right to inspect, at all times, the service and distribution pipes,
the water meter and all other fixtures for water and sewerage
installed by private consumers of water, and the right to fix
and establish, from time to time, a schedule of rates or charges
for water by private consumers, the rates to be uniform and to
be made and collected for water used by private consumers.
Power given.
It shall be the duty of the treasurer of the town of Hyattsville,
and he is hereby authorized and empowered to collect the said
charges for water, under the direction of the Town Commis-
sioners of Hyattsville, and in accordance with the rules to be
by them established ; the treasurer shall keep an itemized
account of all water charges and tines, etc., on account thereof,
due, paid and payable, together with the names of the private
Treasurer to