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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 877   View pdf image (33K)
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East street, south nine and one-half degrees,
west to a point of intersection with a line drawn
from the southwest corner of Zeiglersville west-
ward and parallel with Becond street extended ;
then with said line to the southwest corner of
Zeiglersville, north forty-four and one-half de-
grees, east twenty-nine and sixteen one-hun-
dredths perches to the northwest corner of said


Zeiglersville ; then with the north side thereof
south forty degrees, east twenty-six perches to
the south side of said Frederick and Monocacy
turnpike road ; then with the south side thereof
south sixty-four degrees, west twenty-six and
two-tenths perches, south fifty-nine and three-
fourths degrees, west twenty perches ; then leav-
ing the said Frederick and Monocacy turnpike
road south twenty-five degrees, east sixty-seven
and seven-elevenths perches more or less to the
centre of the Frederick and Baltimore turnpike
road at a point on the stone bridge ; thence with
the present outlines of the taxable limits of Fred-
erick to the southeast corner of O'Leary's lane
at the Baltimore and Ohio railroad ; then south
forty-seven and one-half degrees, west eighty
and eight-tenths perches to the end of the north-
ern boundary line of the farm of the late John
Loats, deceased ; then with said line south eighty-
nine degrees, west eighty-five and seventy-six
one-hundredths perches to the east side of South
Market street and with the east side thereof, south
six degrees, west forty and two-tenths perches
to a point east of the southeast corner of Mount
Olivet cemetery ; then south eighty-one and
one-half degrees, west twenty and six one-hun-
dredths perches ending on said cemetery ; then
parallel with the west side of South Market

Taxable limits

street, north ten degrees, east thirty-nine sixty-
eight one-hundredths perches to a stake now
planted ; then north sixty-one and one-quarter
degrees, west eighteen and four-tenths perches
to the eastern margin of Lynch and Orendorff's
addition to Frederick ; then with the east mar-
gin thereof, south forty-four degrees, west four-
teen perches, south thirty-four and one-half de-
grees, west twenty and seventy-two one-hun-
dredths perches to the southeast corner of said
addition to Frederick ; then north sixty-one and

Taxable limits

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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 877   View pdf image (33K)
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