Chapter 540.
AN ACT to enlarge and define the taxable limits
of Frederick city, and to repeal section one
hundred and seventy-six of the additional sec-
tions added to article eleven of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Frederick County,"
relating to the powers and duties of the mayor
and aldermen of Frederick by the act of
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter
eighty-seven, as repealed and re-enacted by
chapter one hundred and twenty-eight of the
acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight,
and to enact a substitute in lieu thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That section one hundred and
seventy-six of the additional sections added to
Repealed and
substitute en-
article eleven of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Frederick County," relating to the pow-
ers and duties of the mayor and aldermen of
Frederick by the act of eighteen hundred and
sixty-eight, chapter eighty-seven, as repealed
and re-enacted by chapter one hundred and
twenty-eight of the acts of eighteen hundred
and seventy-eight, be and the same is hereby re-
pealed, and that the following be and the same is
hereby enacted in lieu thereof and as a substitute
therefor :
176. And be it enacted, That the taxable lim-
its of Frederick city shall, from and after the
passage of this act, be as follows :. Beginning in
the middle of the Frederick and Woodsboro turn-
Taxable limits
pike road at the end of twenty-eight and four-
tenths perches north of Eighth street, and at the
end of one and seventy-two one-hundredths
perches on a line drawn south seventy-three de-
grees east from the southeast corner of Thomas
W. Morgan's lot, and running thence parallel
with Eighth street, south eighty-one and one-
fourth degrees, east ninety- seven and fifty-two
one-hundredths perches to a stake now planted
at the distance of eighteen perches east of the
Frederick and Pennsylvania line railroad ; then
with a line parallel with the present bearing of