annual meetings shall be a corporation by the
name of "The Community of Mountain Lake
Park," and by that name they and their succes-
sors shall have all the powers and franchises
hereinafter particularly mentioned.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said com-
munity is not to have, possess or acquire any
political franchises whatsoever, nor any of those
powers ordinarily distinguishing public or muni-
cipal corporations from corporations or associa-
tions merely private; but the sole objects and
powers of the said Community of Mountain Lake
Park shall be to exercise those police and sani-
tary powers the said Mountain Lake Park asso-
ciation of Garrett county now has, by act of as-
sembly, with greater facility over the entire tract
of land now known as "Mountain Lake Park,"
in Garrett county ; to preserve order and decor-
um ; to regulate the running at large of cattle
and other animals and domesticated fowls in and
upon said Mountain Lake Park; and to provide
for the extension, making, building, improve-
ment, care and maintenance of the public
grounds, common roads, drives, bridges, walks,
plank-ways, drains, sewers, water-streams, wa-
ter-ways and other improvements in and upon
said Mountain Lake Park, in Garrett county, for
the common good of the community in a more
regular and certain manner, and at a properly
proportionate annual expense to each and every
person interested.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That there shall be
an annual meeting of the said Community of
Objects and
Mountain Lake Park on a day fixed by the by-
laws of said community, but the first meeting
under this act shall be held on the day after the
annual meeting of the stockholders of the Moun-
tain Lake Park Association, of Garrett county,
Annual meet-
at which meetings of said community the fol-
lowing persons shall be qualified to vote : First,
all persons above the age of twenty-one years
bona fide entitled to and the holders of one or
more lots in Mountain Lake Park, in Garrett
county aforesaid, under deed directly or indi-
rectly from the Mountain Lake Park Associa-
tion, of Garrett county aforesaid, duly recorded
among the land records of said Garrett county ;
to vote.