organized the said company during their term
of office, and any other board of directors that
may hereafter be elected as their successors, shall
have power and authority to allow any officer or
officers in the employ of the company such sala-
ries, fees and compensation as they may deem
proper ; and all officers of the company, other
than directors, shall be appointed annually by
such directors as shall be present at the first
meeting of the board after the annual election
of directors ; and in case of any vacancy occur-
ring in the board of directors, at any time or
times, from any cause whatever, such vacancy
or vacancies shall be filled by the remainder of
the board until the time of holding the next an-
nual election.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
Salaries, fees
and compen-
duty of the president or secretary of said com-
pany, annually, to give at least twenty days'
notice, by advertisement published in some
newspaper in Worcester county, of the election,
which shall be held annually after the day of
the organization of said company, on the day
and month in each year corresponding with
such day of organization, for ten directors of the
company, who shall be members thereof ; but in
case such election should from any cause not be
held on the designated day, the company shall
not, in consequence thereof, be dissolved, but
such election may be held at such subsequent
time as may be selected by the board of directors,
or a majority of them ; and at all such elections
each member shall have a vote, and may vote
either in person or by proxy.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
Give notice of
duty of the secretary to keep a book containing
a copy of this act, and of such constitution and
by-laws of said company as may be established,
and that all persons who may wish to become
members of the said company shall be required
to express in writing their assent thereto, which
expression of assent and the payment of such
fees, charges or premiums as may be demanded
by the proper officers of the corporation, shall
consitute such persons members of the said
company, and as such, shall be bound by all the
rules and regulations of said company as are
Duty of sec-