contained in this act and in the constitution
and by-laws of said company ; and every person
or persons, or corporation, who shall be insured
in this company, shall become members thereof
as already provided for.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That any member of
said company shall have full power to withdraw
Power to
therefrom at any time, by applying to the proper
officer thereof, and paying such fees as may
reasonably be demanded, and any arrearages of
assessments as may be then due to said com-
pany, when said proper officer shall cancel such
insurance or insurances as may be in the name
of the individual so withdrawing, and make a
record thereof in the books of the company,
which shall release such member and any real
estate that he may have insured from all liability
for or on account of any notes, judgments or
other evidences of debt to the said company, held
by it f or premiums on such real estate, the insur-
ance on which shall thus be cancelled, and
shall debar him or her from any claim on said
company for any loss or damage by fire subse-
quent to the time of such withdrawal and cancel-
lation of insurance.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That it shall be
Call general
the duty of the president, whensoever required
in writing by not less than ten members, other
than the directors, to call a general meeting of
the members, by giving notice, as in case of
election by directors, for the transaction of .such
business as may be specified in said written
requisition, and any resolutions or proceedings
passed or had at such meeting by not less than
two-thirds of the members who shall be present,
shall be binding on the president and directors,
and members of the company.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That all promis-
What is con-
stituted a lien.
sory notes and bonds, judgments or other evi-
dences of debt held by the said company, which
shall have been given thereto for premiums of
insurance, or for any part or parts of said prem-
iums, shall constitute and be deemed a lien on
any real estate which may be insured in consid-
eration or part consideration of such notes,
judgments or other evidences of debt, which real
estate shall be held liable for the full and just