kinson, Zadock P. Henry, Elijah Brown and"
Created and
declared a
body politic.
Edgar McMaster, citizens of Worcester county,
their successors, and all other persons who may
from time to time hereafter become members of
the corporation to be created by this act, shall
be, and they are hereby created and declared to
be a body politic and corporate by the name,
style and title of the Mutual Fire Insurance
Company of Worcester county, and they and
their successors are hereby ordained and de-
clared a body politic and corporate in fact and
in law with all the legal incidents to a corpora-
tion aggregate ; provided, however, that noth-
ing in this act shall be construed to grant any
trucking privileges to said company, or the right
to insure any note of the nature of a truck note.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said com-
pany shall have, make and use a common seal,
Power and
and shall have full power and authority to make
insurance on any kind of property against loss
and damage by fire ; to provide for the keeping
and investment of any funds or assets that may
become the property of the company, and gen-
erally to transact, execute and perform all such
business as may pertain to a Fire Insurance Com-
pany, not being contrary to the constitution and
law of this state or the United States.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That William J.
Who to pro-
ceed to organ-
Aydelotte, C. C. Lloyd, F. H. Dryden, Jerome
B. Hall, Levin J. Houston, Alfred D. Merrill,
Lloyd Wilkinson, Zadock P. Henry, Elijah
Brown and Edgar McMaster, are hereby created
directors of said Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany of Worcester county until their successors
shall be elected, as hereinafter provided for, and
any five of them who may be present at their
first meeting shall proceed to organize the com-
pany by electing a president and secretary there-
of, and, as soon as practicable thereafter, shall
adopt a form of constitution and by-laws, pro-
vide the necessary books, and otherwise prepare
the company for the transaction of business ;
and, when so prepared, shall exercise a general
superintendence of the affairs of the company
until the election of their successors.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the directors
above-named, or any five of them who may have