Montgomery county, be and they are hereby created a body
corporate by the name of the Mayor and Council of Kensing-
ton, with all the powers and privileges of a body politic and
corporate, and by said corporate name may have perpetual
succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any
court of law or equity, and may have and use a common seal.
Town of Ken-
sington in-
SEC. 2. That the corporate limits of said town shall be as
follows: Beginning at a bridge over which the county road
crosses the Metropolitan branch of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, near Kensington station on said railroad; thence
following the east side of the county road in a southerly
direction to the line of T. S. Gartrell; thence along the
dividing line between the said T. S. Gartrell and Kensington
park to the line of Alfred Ray; thence along the dividing
line between the lands of the said Alfred Ray and Kensington
park, to the Metropolitan branch of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad; thence along said railroad to the dividing line
between the lands of Margaret Mulfinger and A. Burgdorf ;
thence along said line to the line of W. H. Mannakee; thence
along the dividing line between the lands of said Mannakee
and Burgdorf to the line of W. H. Wheatley; thence along the
dividing line between the lands of said W. H. Wheatley
and A. Burgdorf to the county road leading to Seventh
street road or pike; thence along the south side of said
county road to a point opposite the line of W. H. Wheat-
ley and Kensington Heights; thence along the dividing line,
between Kensington Heights and W. H. Wheatley, to the
county road leading to Wheaton Postoffice; thence along said
county road to Perry avenue, in North Kensington; thence
along said Perry avenue to its end, taking in about one-half of
North Kensington; thence along the line between North
Kensington and Garrett Park property to line of Ken-gar;
thence along the line between Ken-gar and North Kensington ;
thence along the line between Ken gar and property owned by
W. B. McKelden and others to the bridge over the Metro-
politan branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the place
of starting.
SEC. 3. That the citizens of said town having the qualifica-
tions prescribed for voters by the laws of this State, and
having resided in said town for six months previous to any
election, shall on the first Monday in May, in the year eighteen
hundred and ninety-four, and annually thereafter on the first
Monday in May, at such place as shall be designated by the
Mayor to be