judges of election, between the hours of one o'clock p. M. and
six o'clock P. M., elect, by ballot, one person mayor of said
town, and four other persons, who, together with the mayor,
shall constitute the council, to serve for one year, and until
their successors shall be elected and qualified; they must be
citizens having the qualifications prescribed for voters by the
laws of this State, resident in said corporate limits, and must
have resided therein for at least six months next preceding
their election, and must continue to reside in said corporate
limits their term of office; they shall receive no pay for their
services, except the mayor, who shall receive the fees herein-
after allowed.
SEC. 4. That the first election shall be held by Wm. H.
Wheatley, R. B. Detrich and George F. Davis, who are hereby
appointed judges for that purpose; and if either of them
should be absent on the day appointed for said election, the
vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the judge or judges
Mayor to
SEC. 5. The mayor shall preside at meetings and shall call
such meetings from time to time he may deem necessary; but in
the event of the absence of the mayor at any meeting, the
members of the council present shall elect one of their own
number to preside during his absence, who shall for the time
being be clothed with all the powers and authority of said
mayor; the council shall pass rules and by-laws for their own
government while in session; all vacancies in the council shall
be tilled by an election held after ten days' notice given by the
remaining members of the same.
Meetings of
SEC. 6. That the council shall meet in some convenient
place in said town on or before the first Monday of June next
succeeding their election, and as often thereafter as may be
necessary in the discharge of the duties of their office, not less,
however, than once in every month; a majority of the council
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
SEC. 7. That they shall annually, on or before the first
Judges and
clerks of
Monday in April, appoint three judges of election, who shall
appoint a clerk, and the said judges shall conduct an election
by ballot in accordance with the provisions of section three of
this act; the polls to be opened at one o'clock P. M. and closed
at six o'clock P. M.; and the judges and clerk shall make their
returns to the council; but said judges and clerk shall receive