Payments to
building committee, such sum or sums of money as shall be
certified in such warrants that such contractor or contractors
are entitled to in the performance of the contract, and shall
pay, upon the warrant of said building committee, the cost of
plans and specifications of the work proposed to be done, the
salary of the supervising architect, and such other expenses
that said building committee may properly have incurred in
the discharge of duty; and no part of said proceeds of sale of
said bonds shall be paid out by said school examiner, except
on the warrant of said building committee.
May sen pres-
ent school
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the school commissioners
of Anne Arundel county are hereby authorized and directed,
within a reasonable time, to sell the property known as the
public school house of Annapolis, and to pay over one-third of
the proceeds, after all expenses of sale and preparations for
sale are paid, to the city of Annapolis, the balance of said
proceeds being covered into the treasury of the board of school
commissioners to meet the ordinary expenses of the said board
or in the redemption of the bonds of the school board, issued
under this act, in the discretion of said board of school com-
missioners; provided, however, if in the judgment of the
committee on public school building, mentioned in this act,
the aforementioned lot on which the public school house of
Annapolis now is, shall be suitable for a public school building,
and shall be chosen for the same by said committee, then one-
third of the amount remaining of the thirty thousand dollars
provided to be raised by this act, after the said public school
building has been erected and furnished, shall be returned to
the corporation of Annapolis, and the other two-thirds to the
school commissioners of Anne Arundel county.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Kensington, in Mont-
gomery County, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of the town of Kensington, in