may deem advisable, which shall be payable within twenty
years, in the discretion of said council; provided, however,
that no such debt shall be incurred, and no such certificate of
indebtedness issued, except as follows: The council shall, by
ordinance passed by yeas and nays, specify the particular pur-
pose or purposes for which the indebtedness is to be created,
the amount, the rate of interest and the manner of payment;
they shall then provide in said ordinance for submitting the
question of the creation of such debt to the resident tax-
payers of the town, at a special municipal election to be
called by the council for that purpose; notice of which shall
be posted in five conspicuous places in the town, and published
in some newspaper of general circulation therein for three
weeks next preceding such election, not less than two inser-
tions each week; the notice and publication shall recite the
ordinance and describe the indebtedness to be created. The
ballots shall be printed "For the debt," and "Against the debt."
If two-thirds of the resident taxpayers of the town, so voting
at such election, shall vote in favor of the debt, and not other-
wise, the council may incur such debt and issue the amount of
certificates of indebtedness so specified; provided, that the
payment of dog-tax shall not constitute any person a taxpayer
within the intent of this section; and provided also, that a
residence of six months in said town shall be necessary to
qualify a taxpayer to vote under the provisions of this section.
Question to be
voted on.
The council may, in addition, issue special improvement bonds
to pay for any work or improvement authorized by the char-
ter, in the manner following : they shall prepare an ordinance
specifying the nature and estimated cost of the work or
improvement, the manner of payment by special improvement
bonds, specifically designating the property to be taxed to pay
for the same; and said ordinance may provide for an extension
of such work or improvement within specifically described
limits, from time to time, to be paid by additional issues of
such bonds, and may provide that certain prescribed parts of
the work of improvement, or certain percentage of its cost,
shall be paid by the corporation, providing for a vote of the
taxpayers, as hereinbefore prescribed in this section. Said
proposed ordinance shall be posted in five conspicuous places
in the town and published at least twice in each week for two
weeks, with a notice of a meeting by the council, at the expi-
ration of that period, to hear any persons who may object
thereto. After such hearing, the council may, if they ^deein
proper, pass such ordinance, and shall thereafter submit the
question of the issue of such special improvement bonds to the
May issue im-