the parties so assessed and in default that unless before a day
to be named therein they shall pay the taxes so due and in
default, that he will offer the same at public sale to the highest
bidder for cash to pay said taxes so due and in default, which
publication shall contain the name or names of the person or
persons to whom the property is assessed and shall give a brief
Sale of prop-
erty for
description of the property to be thus sold; on the day named
in said publication the bailiff shall proceed to sell all property
upon which taxes have not been paid up to said date, to the
highest bidder for cash; provided, that no property shall be
sold for less than the amount of taxes due thereon and the pro
rata costs attendant on such sale. The said bailiff shall within
fifteen days after said sale make and file a report with the
Circuit Court for the county in which said property lies, setting
forth the proceedings in the premises in detail, with a copy of
the printed list and notice aforesaid, and also showing to whom,
at what price, and for what sum of money actually received by
him such several pieces of property were sold respectively; the
Court to which said report shall be made, shall order notice to
be given by advertisement published once in each of three
successive weeks, in such newspaper as the said court shall
direct, warning all persons interested in any of the property so
sold, to be and appear by a certain day in said notice to be
named, to show cause, if any they have, why the sale
of all or any portion of said property should not be con-
firmed, and if no cause or insufficient cause be shown to
the ratification of the sale of any of said property, said sale
shall be ratified and confirmed, and the purchaser, on payment
of the purchase money, have a good title to the property sold.
Deed to pur-
18. The mayor shall execute and deliver to the purchaser a
deed of the property so sold; but whenever any land shall be
sold by the bailiff as aforesaid, the owner thereof, prior to the
sale, may redeem the same by paying into court, to be paid
to the purchaser thereof, within the period of six calendar
months from the date of such sale, the amount of the pur-
chase money, with interest thereon at the rate of twenty per
cent, per annum from the date of sale.
May incur
24. The council shall have authority to incur indebtedness,
not exceeding three per cent, of the assessed value of all
property within the corporate limits, in excess of the annual
revenue of the town, and shall, whenever any such debt is
created, provide for the payment thereof by the issuing certifi-
cates of indebtedness, at such rate of interest as the council