resident taxpayers, with such notice and publication and in
such manner as hereinbefore, in this section, piovided; and if
three-fifths of the resident taxpayers at such election vote in
favor thereof, and not otherwise, the said ordinance shall
become operative, and the work of improvement specified shall
be executed, and the bonds issued as therein specified. The
said special improvement bonds and interest thereon shall be
paid by a special tax of approximately equal annual instal-
ments, to be levied for a specified term of years, not exceeding
fifteen, upon the land to which such work or improvement
shall extend or be tributary, as specifically designated in the
ordinance. The said special taxes shall be a lien upon the
property upon which they are levied, and shall be collected in
the manner provided for the collection of general taxes of the
May issue
of indebt-
25. The council may issue certificates of indebtedness bearing
interest, not to exceed in amount the annual revenue of the
town, less the amount of all sinking funds previously provided
for, said certificates and interest to be paid only from such
revenue and within one year from the date of their issue; and
such certificates may be issued in pursuance of an ordinance
duly passed, without submitting the question to a vote of the
Tax for
26. The County Commissioners of Montgomery and Prince
George's counties shall annually pay to the mayor and council
of Takoma Park, that proportion of the total amount levied
for the repair of roads in said counties, which the real estate in
said town, within the limits of said respective counties, bears
to the total amount of property assessed in said respective
counties, and the amounts so paid to the mayor and city coun-
cil of Takoma Park shall be used by them in the repair and
maintenance of the streets of said town.
of scavenger
28. The council may appoint annually a scavenger, and pre-
scribe his duties and fix his compensation, which shall be paid
by a special tax for that purpose, to be imposed on the occu-
pants of the respective buildings, and collected as other taxes
are collected; provided, nevertheless, that the owner or owners
of property shall be responsible for said tax in case the same
cannot be collected from the occupants thereof; and the coun-
cil may pass suitable ordinances to enable said scavenger to
remove all filth from the town, and may require of said scav-
enger a bond for the faithful performance of his duties; pro-