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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 873   View pdf image (33K)
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taxes in the same manner as if such land were not in the
hands of a trustee or trustees.

97. Whenever land shall be sold by the town clerk the

CHAP. 458

owner thereof may redeem the same within the period of
twelve months from the date of such sale by paying into the
Circuit Court for Talbot county, to be paid to the purchaser
of such land, the amount of the purchase money, with the
interest thereon at the rate of fifteen per centum per annum
from day of sale, and the costs of the town clerk's deed to
the purchaser, if any such deed has been executed.

97 A. The town clerk shall issue whenever requested and
upon the payment to him of a fee of fifty cents a certified

Redemption of

statement over his signature of all taxes assessed after
the tax levy of 1906 that may be due and unpaid at the
time of making said certificate, and are a lien upon any
certain real estate located in Easton, and of any tax sale
affecting said piece of property since that date; said certifi-
cate shall be a bar to the collection or the recovery from any
purchaser of real estate after the issue of said certificate of
any tax or assessment omitted therefrom, which may be a
lien upon the real estate mentioned therein, but said certifi-
cate shall not affect the liability therefor of the persons who
own the real estate at the time such tax was levied, or at
any time after such levy and before the issue of said certifi-
cate; and said town clerk shall be responsible to said town
for any loss of taxes that may arise from error in said

97 B. The town clerk shall submit itemized statements at


each regular monthly meeting of the Council and as often as
required by them of all operating expenses and all money :
received and expended during the month, and a like state-
ment to the Mayor when requested by him. The books of
the town clerk shall be audited by a committee of the Coun-
cil in January and July of each year.

97 C. The said town clerk shall receive as a compensation


for his services as such an annual salary of not more than
five hundred dollars, payable from the town funds; and his
term of office shall be for two years from the date of his con-
firmation, or until his successor shall have been duly appointed
and qualified.


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 873   View pdf image (33K)
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