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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 874   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 468

Removal front

97 D. The town clerk shall be removed from office by the
! Mayor upon conviction by the Circuit Court of wilful neg-
lect of duty, misdemeanors or malfeasance in office.

97 E. The provisions of the Code of Public General Laws

Provisions of
the Code

of Maryland now in force or hereafter enacted applicable to
collectors of State and county taxes, except where the same
are repealed by or are inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act, shall be held to apply to the town clerk of said
town, who as to his powers, rights, duties and liabilities,
both civil and criminal, and those of his bond or bondsman,
shall be in all respects in the same position as State and
county collectors of taxes, except as herein provided.

97 F. Nothing in this article shall be taken or understood



as impairing the duties and obligations of collectors of town
taxes heretofore appointed in regard to the levies now in
their hands for collection, but such collectors shall proceed
to complete such collection under the existing provisions of
law as fully as if this Act had not been enacted.

97 G. The Mayor and Council are hereby authorized and

Authority to
borrow a
sum of

empowered to borrow, on the faith and credit of the town,
and for the use of the town, any sum or sums of money not
exceeding in the aggregate five thousand dollars, and may

issue bonds or other evidence of indebtedness for the same,,
and in such sums and payable at such time as they may by
ordinance prescribe; provided, that the payment of said
bonds or other evidences of indebtedness issued under
authority of this section and the interest thereon must be
made by the Mayor and Council from the general taxes
levied for the use of the town under the power in this Act
conferred, the levying or collecting any special tax for the
payment of such bonds or other evidences of indebtedness
being expressly prohibited.

97 H. Whenever the Mayor and Council of Easton shall

Proposition to
the streets,
etc., sub-
mitted to
legal voters.

determine to reconstruct the streets of the town, or purchase
or erect any gas plant, electric light plant, water plant or
system of sewers for the town, they shall first submit the
proposition to the legally qualified voters of the town at
either a general or special election; provided, that the ordi-
nance authorizing the issue of bonds for the proposed public
work or improvements shall be published in one or more
newspapers printed in the town of Easton once a week in


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 874   View pdf image (33K)
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