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the levies with which he was charged and also to deliver
over the notices, schedules and other proceedings had for
the enforcement of the payment of said taxes, and in such
cases the said successor or newly appointed and qualified
town clerk, upon the delivery to him of the bills for such
taxes, shall be empowered and required to enforce the pay-
ment of said taxes in the same manner as his predecessor
could have done, and he shall have all the powers and
authority in law with which his predecessor was clothed for
that purpose, and in such case the bond of a newly appointed
or succeeding town clerk shall become responsible for the
proper collection and disbursement of such taxes, and the
bond of the preceding town clerk shall be released from
their responsibility therefor; provided, that no town clerk's
bond shall be released until in the mode hereinbefore provided
in this Act he has fully settled his accounts with the Council
or said unsettled accounts have been transferred as author-
ized in this section, and until in addition thereto he has per-
formed the duties of said office under the provisions of this
94. In the event of the bond of any town clerk becoming
Duty of
sureties on
bond of town
liable to the Mayor and Council of Easton for any unpaid or
uncollected taxes, the sureties on said bond shall be
empowered to enforce the payment of said taxes in the same
manner as town clerk could have done.
95. It shall be the duty of the town clerk to inform him-
self of all property, stock or investments in said town subject
Duty of town
to taxation, and not included in the last revised list of asses-
ments, and of all buildings and improvements and all property
created or acquired since said revised assessment, and he
shall value the same at a fair valuation thereof, and shall
make return thereof to the Council; and for the purposes of
this section the said town clerk shall be clothed with the
power of general assessor, and his valuation of any property
shall be subject to revision and correction by said Council
or by any board sitting for transfers and abatements created
under this Act.
96. Where land is in the hands of a trustee or trustees for
Payment of
sale or otherwise, whether by virtue of a decree of court,
under a deed of trust or under the provisions of a will, and
the taxes thereon are in arrears under the provisions of this
Act, the said town clerk may enforce the payment of such