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intersecting streets and highways by overhead crossings, and
crossing all intersecting railway tracks now constructed or
which may hereafter be constructed by overhead crossings
or otherwise, as may in the judgment of the board of direc-
tors of the said Baltimore Terminal Company be most
expedient; all crossings of railway tracks to be subject to
the provisions contained in Article 23 of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, entitled " Corporations," sub-
title " Railroad Companies," relating to crossing by railroad
companies of the tracks of other railroad companies.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Baltimore
Terminal Company, its successors and assigns, shall have
Shall have and
enjoy certain
general pow-
ers, privil-
eges, etc.
and enjoy all of the general powers, provisions and privileges
contained in Article 23 of the Code of Public Laws of Mary-
land, title "Corporations," and that any and all rights,
powers, privileges and franchises whatsoever which have or
may hereafter be granted or extended to said company by
any county or municipality, or proper officers thereof, shall
be as effectual and binding upon the said counties or munici-
palities so granting the same as if the said grant of powers,
rights, privileges or franchises had been expressly ratified
or confirmed by an Act or Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, subsequent to the granting thereof.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Baltimore Ter-
minal Company, its successors and assigns, be and it is
hereby authorized and empowered, in order to enjoy the
Hay condemn
property, etc.
rights, powers, privileges and franchises hereby or hereto-
fore granted, to construct its railroad, terminals and other
stations; to acquire land or property of any individual or
corporation, or private right of way from any individual or
corporation that may be necessary, and where the consent of
the owner of said land, right of way or property cannot be
obtained, a jury of condemnation shall be summoned in con-
formity with the provisions of Article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations,"
sub-title "Railroad Companies," and the proceedings shall
be as provided by said Article 23.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That in addition to the
May lease its
property and
powers and rights conferred upon the Baltimore Terminal
Company by the General Laws of the State of Maryland,
the said Baltimore Terminal Company be and is hereby
authorized and empowered to lease its property and fran-