line of railway from some convenient point in the city of
Baltimore to a point at or near Westport, in Baltimore
county, and it desires to change its terminus in Baltimore
county to a point at or near Clifford Junction, in said county,
where it is proposed to connect with the lines of the Wash-
ington, Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Railway Company;
WHEREAS, The said Baltimore Terminal Company has
increased its capital stock from 20,000 shares, of the par
value of $50 each, to 30,000 shares, of the par value of $50
each, a certificate of which said increase of capital stock
has been filed with the Comptroller of the State of Mary-
land; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore has
heretofore been requested to grant unto said corporation
certain rights, privileges and franchises, among others, to
construct, operate and maintain its railway over and along
certain streets in the city of Baltimore, and also over its own
private right-of-way, above the present grade, commencing
at or near the intersection of Scott and Stockholm streets,
thence generally in a southerly direction to the south side of
Gwynn's Falls, crossing all intersecting streets and railroad
tracks by overhead or undergrade crossings; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the increase of the capital stock of the Baltimore
CHAP. 193
Terminal Company from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 be and
the same is hereby ratified and confirmed, and that the said
Baltimore Terminal Company, its successors and assigns, be
and it is hereby authorized and empowered to construct,
maintain and operate its line of railway from some conven-
ient point in the city of Baltimore to a point in Baltimore
county at or near Clifford Junction, and the said Baltimore
Terminal Company is hereby authorized to lay tracks, and
build, maintain and operate its line on such streets in the
city of Baltimore as it has been or may be authorized so to
do by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and also
over and upon its private right-of-way, above the present
grade, from a point at or near the intersection of Scott and
Stockholm streets, with the proper approaches therein ;
thence southerly towards its said terminus in Baltimore
county by overhead structure and fills to a point beyond the
south side of Gwynn's falls, with approaches, crossing all
Capital stock,
to be in-
creased, etc.