of the State or its fiscal officers; and the tax hereby levied
shall in each year be due and payable in that one of the
above named counties in which the mortgage is recorded, and
if any mortgage is recorded in two or more of said above
named counties the tax hereby levied shall each year be paid
to the county where the greater portion of the property
covered by the mortgage is located. This section and the
five succeeding sections shall not apply to the remaining
counties nor to Baltimore city, as to which remaining
counties and city the mortgage tax levied by the Act of
1896, Chapter 120, Sections 146 A, 146 B 146 C, 146 D, 146 E
and 146 F, and by the Act of 1898, Chapter 313, supple-
mental thereto, is hereby repealed.
Approved April 5, 1906.
AN ACT to incoporate the town of Somerset, in Montgomery
County, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
CHAP. 794
land, That the inhabitants of the town of Somerset Heights,
in Montgomery county, are hereby created a body corporate
by the name and style of the town of Somerset, with all the
powers and privileges of a body politic and corporate, and
by said corporate name may have perpetual succession, sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or
equity, may have the use of a common seal and may hold
real, personal and mixed property when the best interests of
the town may so demand.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the corporate limits of said
town shall be as follows: Beginning at the intersection of
the western side of the Georgetown and Rockville turnpike
road with the northerly line of the land formerly owned by
one Hilleary Ball, where a stone marked I. T. 5 F. V. bears
south 55 degrees, 52 minutes, 30 seconds west magnetic,
382 feet, and running thence south 55 degrees, 52 minutes
30 seconds west, 382 feet to said stone marked I. T. 5 F. V.;
thence south 76 degrees, 56 minutes west 3,084.5 feet to the
northeast edge of the river road; thence with said edge of
said road north 45 degrees, 25 minutes west about 460 feet
to the fourth line of a conveyance from Thomas Hyde, trustee,
Limits of said