CHAP. 795
Limits of said
to John E. Beall and Ralph Walsh, dated March 1, 1890, and
recorded among the Land Records of said Montgomery
county, in Liber J. A., No. 17, folio 151, etc.; thence with said
fourth line reversed north 4 degrees, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
west about 2,800 feet to a stone at the foot of a blazed
cedar tree, the same being the southwest corner of the land
now or formerly owned by Gen. R. C. Drum; thence with
the line dividing the said Drum property from that men-
tioned and described in the deed last aforesaid south 78
degrees, 13 minutes east, to the western edge of said
Georgetown and Rockville turnpike road; thence with said
edge of said road in a southerly direction to said place of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the qualified voters of said
town, as the same are hereinafter prescribed, shall on the
Mayor and
to be elected.
first Monday in May, 1906, and every second year there-
after on the first Monday in May, at such place or places as
shall be designated by the judges of election, between the
hours of 5 o'clock P. M. and 9 o'clock P. M., elect by ballot
one person for Mayor of said town, who shall serve for a
term of two years, or until his successor is elected and
qualified; the qualified voters aforesaid shall also elect on
said first Monday in May, 1906, four persons to be members
of the Council of said town, who, together with the Mayor,
shall constitute the Council of said town; two of the
said Councilmen shall serve for a term of two years, or
until their successors are elected and qualified, and two
for a term of one year, or until their successors are
elected and qualified, and at the first meeting of the
Council they shall decide by lot the members of these
two classes; and thereafter they, the said voters, shall
annually elect two persons as members of the Council,
to serve for two years or until their successors are elected
and qualified. The first election shall be held by John
B. Cox, Edwin H. Howell and U. A. Ough, who are
hereby appointed judges for that purpose, and if any of
them shall be absent on the day appointed for said election,
the vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the judge or
Oath to be
judges present. The judges of election shall, before holding
elections, make oath before a justice of the peace for Mont-
gomery county or the Mayor of Somerset, who is hereby
empowered to administer such oath, that they will well and