CHAP 557.
Route of said
thence upon or along Linden avenue to the Sulphur Spring
road ; thence by roads, lanes or avenues there being, or across
the country through Halethorpe to Washington road, and
thence northeasterly upon or along said Washington road to a
point nearly opposite to the junction of said road with the
Sulphur Spring road ; thence upon or along roads, avenues or
lanes there being, or across the country, through Lansdowne
to the Annapolis road at Westport ; provided, that if for any
cause the paid- company shall not be able to use any of the
said hereinbefore mentioned roads, avenues, lanes or thorough-
fares for the location and operation of its said railway, it may
and shall have full power and authority to locate and con-
struct the said railway of a width not exceeding sixty-six feet
upon a line running in the same general direction with said
roads, avenues, lanes, or thoroughfares which it may be so
unable to use by the most practicable route in the course and
direction herein authorized, and for that purpose, if necessary
or expedient, to cross any turnpike road, and any public or
private road, wherever the line of said railway may intersect
the same, and for that purpose to exercise, if necessary, the
Consent to be
for building
said railway.
powers of condemnation hereinafter contained ; provided,
nevertheless, that the said company shall obtain the consent to
construct so much of its said railway as may be located in any
of the public highways of Baltimore county from the County
Commissioners of Baltimore County, which consent said
County Commissioners of said county are hereby authorized
to give to the said company; provided, also, that said com-
pany shall have the right to cross at grade, or by, over or
under crossings, or join or connect its railway with any other
of any Baltimore city or suburban railway company; pro-
vided, also, said company may make any lawful agreement to
connect its lines with any other line of railway, and may also
extend its said railroad on the said North Point road easterly
to North Point; and provided, the County Commissioners of
Baltimore County may at any time after three years from the
date of the passage of this Act withdraw their consent to the
construction of the tracks of the said corporation on any of
the roads in Baltimore county not actually occupied by the
tracks of said corporation.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT to prohibit the laying of railway tracks upon
Hanover street, in the City of Baltimore, between Lee