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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 775   View pdf image (33K)
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may be agreed upon or established by said company; and
the capital stock of said company, and all of its property
and estate, shall be taken and considered as the sole security
required by law for the faithful performance of the duties
so undertaken, and shall be absolutely liable in case of
any default whatsoever ; and the said corporation is further
authorized to become sole security in all cases where by
law one, two or more securities are required, and it shall
and may be lawful for any Court, register, clerk or other
officer of any Co.urt to approve the bond or undertaking of
said company as sole security in all such cases; but in such
cases the officers and affairs of the said company may be sub-
ject to examination at any time by such Court, or by the
officers or agents thereof, who may be by such Court directed
to take such examination.

CHAP. 533.

SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the said body
corporate shall have the right to guarantee the security,
integrity and income of investments in mortgages, issued by
corporations or upon real or leasehold property, or chattel
interests in ground rent, annuities, in stocks and bonds of any
State, city, county, municipality, or corporation, or joint stock
company or copartnership, and to guarantee the payment of
credit or any part thereof, given or extended, or to be given
or extended by or to any person or persons, firm or firms,
copartnership or copartnerships, corporation or corporations,
joint stock company or joint stock companies.

Right to
the security
and income
in mortgages,

SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said body
corporate shall have the right to receive money on deposit,
evidences of debt for collection, for discount or otherwise,
chattels, stocks, bonds and all proper writings on storage, or
collateral security, upon such terms as may be agreed upon or
established by said company, and shall have the right to
guarantee, endorse and secure the payment, punctual perform-
ance and collection of notes, debts, due bills, bills of exchange,
contracts, bonds, accounts, claims, rents, annuities, mortgages
and interest thereon, choses in action, evidences of debt, checks,
indebtedness of individuals, or of copartnerships, firms, corpora-
tions or joint stock companies, loans of States, cities, counties
or municipalities, upon such terms as may agreed upon or
established by the said company.

Authority to
money on
deposit, etc.

SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That any executor or adminis-
trator, guardian or other trustee or public officer having the
control of any bonds, stocks, securities, moneys or other valu-
ables belonging to others, shall be and is hereby authorized to
deposit the same for safe keeping with said company.

May deposit
bonds, etc.
with said

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 775   View pdf image (33K)
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