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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 774   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 688.

officers, clerks and agents as the business of said company from
time to time requires ; all elections shall be by ballot, and at
such elections and all meetings of the stockholders every
stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for every share of
stock held by him, but no person shall be eligible as director
who is not a stockholder to the amount of two shares of stock.

Right to
bargain or
sell land, etc.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said body corporate
shall have the right to purchase and hold, bargain and sell,
grant, assign and convey land or any interest or estate therein,
chattels, choses in action, checks, notes, bills receivable, bills
payable, bills of exchange, due bills, certificates of deposit,
warehouse receipts, stocks, bonds, mortgages on real, lease-
hold or chattel property, and every and any evidence
of debt ; to advance money upon the security thereof
by receiving and holding the same on such terms as
may be agreed upon or established by the said company,
or of accepting mortgages or other liens thereon, and,
generally, to deal in every and all descriptions of property or
properties, personal effects, securities, mortgages, land, certifi-
cates of indebtedness, stock of incorporated companies, loans
on bonds of the United States, or of any State, city, town or
municipality, or of any incorporated company, copartnership,
joint stock company or individual, upon such terms as may be
agreed upon or established by said company.

Authority to
and reports
of accounts
of corpo-
rations, etc

SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That said body corporate
shall have the right to make examination and reports of the
accounts and financial condition of corporations, firms or indi-
viduals for the use of banks, other financial institutions, bank-
ing firms or others proposing to make contracts with or to
afford credit to such corporations, firms or individuals, and to
make such examination and reports for the use and informa-
tion of directors, officers or others concerned, or for any other
lawful purpose; also to collect information of general, finan-
cial and commercial interest, and to make publication and
distribution thereof, and to receive compensation for such
services. The said corporation shall be authorized to purchase,
acquire, hold and dispose of the stocks, bonds and other evi-
dence of indebtedness of any corporation, domestic or foreign,
and issue in exchange therefor its stock, bonds or other obli-

the fidelity of
any person
or firm, etc.

SEC. 6. And be it further enacted. That the said body
corporate shall have the right to guarantee the fidelity of any
person or persons, firm or firms, joint stock company, or joint
stock companies, corporation or corporations, occupying posi-
tions of trust or responsibility, and to insure the performance
of any lawful undertaking whatsoever, upon such terms as

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 774   View pdf image (33K)
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