CHAP. 533.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said corporation is
authorized to take, have, hold and enjoy all such estates, real,
personal and mixed, as may be obtained by the investment of
their capital stock, and all other moneys or funds that, may
come into their possession in the course of their dealings and
business, and the same to sell, grant, mortgage, lease and dis-
pose of at their pleasure, and to execute, acknowledge and
deliver all deeds and instruments of writing concerning the
Authority to
keep on
deposit gold
jewels, etc.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the said corpora-
tion shall and is hereby authorized and empowered to receive
and keep on deposit all such valuables as gold, silver or paper
money, bullion, precious metals, jewels, plate, certificates of
stock, or evidence of indebtedness, Heeds or muniments of
title or other valuable papers of any kind, or any other article
or thing whatsoever which may be left or deposited for safe
keeping with said corporation, and it may and shall be lawful
for any of the Courts of this State into which moneys, stocks,
bonds or other property may be paid or deposited by agree-
ment of parties, order, judgment or decree of said Courts, to
order and direct the same to be deposited with said corpora-
tion, and it shall be entitled to charge such commission or
compensation therefor as may be agreed upon, and for the
complete preservation and safe keeping thereof may construct,
erect, purchase or lease such tire and burglar-proof buildings,
vaults, iron and composition safes, or other buildings or
means which may be or become necessary, and generally to
transact and perform all the business relating to such deposit
and safe-keeping or preservation of all such articles or valua-
bles as may be deposited with it.
Authority to
act as agent
to buy, sell,
and lease
property of
all kinds, etc
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall
be and it is hereby authorized either for itself or as agent to
buy, sell, lease or otherwise acquire and hold real and personal
property in the State of Maryland or elsewhere, as fully and
completely as a natural person; to loan money upon, pur-
chase, sell or issue bonds or mortgages or debenture bonds,
upon the security of real or personal estate in the State of
Maryland or elsewhere ; to loan money upon real or personal
security; to loan and borrow money for any of the corporate
purposes of said corporation ; to receive money on deposit; to
have discretionary power to invest at its pleasure its capital
and the increment thereof, and all moneys received in the
course of its business transactions, and to take, have, hold and
enjoy all such estates, real or personal, as may be obtained
with the moneys aforesaid; and to execute, acknowledge and
deliver all deeds and any legal papers, and any instruments