CHAP. 141
May secure
payment of
notes, etc.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said body cor-
porate shall have the right to guarantee the security, integrity
and income of investments in mortgages upon real or lease-
hold property or chattel interests in ground rent annuities, in
stocks and bonds of any State, city, county, municipality or
corporation or joint stock company or copartnership, to guar-
antee the validity of title to real, leasehold or chattel property,
and to guarantee the payment of credit or of any part thereof,
given or extended by or to any person or persons, firm or
firms, copartnership or copartnerships, corporation or corpora-
tions, joint stock company or joint stock companies.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said body
corporate shall have the right to invest, upon such terms as
by said
may be agreed upon or established by said corporation, any
sum or sums of money in any mercantile, manufacturing,
commercial or other business, or in any lawful enterprise
transacted or carried on, or to be transacted or carried on in
the State of Maryland, or elsewhere, in connection with any
person, persons, firm, firms, copartnership, copartnerships,
corporation, corporations, joint stock company, joint stock
companies ; provided, only that such investment shall, when
made, be thereupon advertised in the amount thereof and for
the time or period thereof in some newspaper published in the
city or county where the principal office or place of business,
as the case may be, of such person, persons, firm, firms, co-
partnership, copartnerships, corporation, corporations, joint
stock company or joint stock companies shall be located or
intended to be located, once a week for three successive weeks ;
and said body corporate hereby incorporated shall, upon
making such investment, have with regard to such persons or
enterprises the full rights and privileges of a general partner
therein, and shall be liable for the payment of such claims and
demands as may be or may have been incurred by such person,
persons, firm, firms, copartnership, copartnerships, corporation,
corporations, joint stock company, joint stock companies, for
and on account of and for the benefit and advantage of such
business or enterprise only to the extent of the investment so
made and advertised, and to no other or greater extent.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That said body corporate
May receive
money on
deposit, etc.
shall have the right to receive money on deposit, evidence of
debt, for collection, for discount or otherwise, chattels, stocks,
bonds and all proper writing on storage or as collateral secur-
ity, upon such terms as may be agreed upon or established by
said company, and shall have the right to guarantee, endorse
and secure the payment, punctual performance and collection
of notes, debts, due bills, bills of exchange, contracts, bonds,