hereby created a body corporate by the name of the Farmers
Trust, Banking and Deposit Company, and by that name shall
have perpetual succession, and shall be competent to sue and
be sued in any Court of Law or Equity whatever ; to have
and to use a common seal, and alter the same at its pleasure,
and to make and adopt a constitution and by-laws for the
government of said body corporate, and its officers, agents and
employes, and from time to time amend the same ; provided,
such constitution, by-laws or amendments thereto shall not
conflict with the Constitution and laws of this State or the
United States ; to elect and enforce all and singular said Acts,
contract, matter and things as may be necessary to carry out
the object and purposes, and to exercise the power or powers by
this Act conferred upon it. The home office or place of
business shall be located in the city of Baltimore.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the capital stock
CHAP. 141.
of said body corporate shall consist of five thousand shares of
the par value of fifty dollars each, and when the amount of
fifty thousand dollars shall have been subscribed and fully
paid in, the said corporation shall be entitled to begin the
prosecution of any business under its charter; and when the
par value of any share shall have been fully paid, the same
shall thereupon become non-assessable and non-liable for or on
account of any purpose whatever; and said body corporate
shall have the right to increase its capital stock, from time to
time, by a majority vote of the stockholders at a special meet-
ing or meetings to be called and held for that purpose, to any
sum or sums not exceeding two million five hundred thousand
SEC. 3. And it shall be further enacted, That the said
Capital stock
body corporate shall have the right to purchase and hold,
bargain and sell, grant, assign and convey land or any interest
or estate therein, chattels, choses in action, checks, notes, bills
receivable, bills payable, bills of exchange, due bills, certifi-
cates of deposit, warehouse receipts, stocks, bonds, mortgages
on real, leasehold, chattel property and every and any evidence
of debt, to advance money upon the security thereof, to receive
and to hold the same on storage or deposit or otherwise, upon
such terras as may be established or approved by said com-
pany, or of accepting mortgage or other liens thereon, and
generally to deal in every and all descriptions of property or
properties, personal effects, securities, mortgages, land, certifi-
cates of indebtedness, stock of incorporated companies, loans
on bonds of the United States, or of any incorporated com-
pany, copartnership, joint stock company or individual, upon
such terms as may be established or approved by said corpo-